Thanks and advice needed for gum disease

Posted By Thepharmacist (Vienna, Vienna, Austria) on 02/10/2011

Dear Ted,

First of all I would like to thank you for this awsome website and on your great advise.

I had acid reflux for ten years and have finally almost no trouble with it thanks to your website.

I still have gum disease which I can't yet get rid off. I have tried hydrogen peroxide locally and internally, oil pulling with sesame oil and coconut oil, colloidal silver, bar soap brushing, daily rigorous flossing and waterpik application. I saw the dentist and had a professional cleaning. I still have a burning sensation and inflammation in my gums, which are rapidly receding. I'm now trying coconut oil internally.

my saliva pH in the morning is about 6 while my urinary pH is around 7 due to ACV/baking soda. I am treating my candida with low carb diet. I also tried borax for a week but I stopped because of abdominal discomfort.

Please give me some advice on how I can cure this unusual type of gum disease!

Thank you!!!

Take care and best regards,


Replied by Inanna Lives (Middletown, Delaware) on 02/10/2011

Perhaps taking Neem Capsules will bring an end to your troubles.

Replied by Cruz (Ny, New York) on 02/10/2011

I was in the same situation and everything got better when I stop using toothpaste without FLUORIDE. Try

Replied by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 02/10/2011

1. increase your intake of vitamin C

2. increase vitamin D

3. reduce stress, with exercise ... A good 40 minute walk 3 times a week... even better, daily.

4. CoQ10... Apply topically over the gums and take internally. 100mg daily

5. I make an essential oil mixture of olive oil, clove oil, tea tree, and cinamon, thyme... then dabbing some on my thumb & index finger I run my floss through it before flossing...

a reference...

Replied by Karl (Vienna, Austria) on 02/11/2011

Thank you all for the suggestions. But except the neem capsules I have tried all of it. I haven't used fluoride tooth past for three months. I take vitamin C and D, I have tried CoQ10, brushing with clove oil. I also practice daily Qi Gong for stress relieve. I have this burning pain in my gums and I also have this chronic redness (inflammation) in my throat. I suspect it is a viral infection since all the usual remedies don't work.

Does anyone have a suggestion?

Please help!

Best wishes,


Replied by Kat (Melbourne, Australia) on 02/11/2011

Hi Karl.... Have you tried brushing with baking soda (no toothpaste added) and gargling with a mix of baking soda and water? Also, you may have too much acid in your system, which you can "get rid of" by mixing 1/2 tsp baking soda with 8oz water and drink it in the mornings for about 1 week. Baking soda will rid your body of the too much acid and it is a virus/bacteria killer. Try it and see if that works for you.

Replied by Elsaeasterly (Elsewhere, Ca, Usa) on 02/11/2011


Whenever I get a minor gum infection, I make a paste of ground cloves and water, dip a toothpick in it, and run the toothpick all around the affected gumline. Sometimes I also dip floss in the paste and use that also. If I do this after brushing and regular flossing right before bed for 2 nights (and don't rinse! ), the infection is always gone within 36 hours.

I see you've tried clove oil, but maybe this method with ground cloves is more potent. Please post back if you try it. If your infection is more advanced it may take more than 2 days, though.

Replied by Craig (Dallas, Texas) on 09/08/2011

I'd stay away from the bar soap brushing and "vigorous flossing." Clean a soft-bristled toothbrush with soap and rinse thoroughly before each use, then gently clean the teeth and massage the gums. A warm sea-salt and water solution with some tea tree oil and clove oil makes a great, gentle rinse to help kill bacteria also. And, when you floss, don't floss vigorously! Use it to clean the gunk out from between your teeth. Your gums get inflamed and cut up, and you leave them exposed to additional bacterial infection!

Don't forget, gum tissue is still tissue. If you had something wrong with the skin on the back of your hand, would you rub the crap out of it two-three times a day with the same non-sterilized brush, cut into it with string, then rinse it with a water pick?

Of course not!

I've also been told, though I haven't read this specifically, that the glycerine in a lot of toothpastes (both commercial and "natural") coats the teeth and makes it so that nutrients can't absorb directly into the tissue and teeth. It makes sense to me, but I've never seen the proof.


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