Posted By Alison (Bothell, Washington) on 03/13/2010


I have read many of your posts and others over the last few years and put much of the information into action with fantastic results. This forum has been life changing and empowering for me. I am hoping that you can share your knowledge and opinion on A.D.E.M. MS, myelin and herbal supplements and alternative therapies.

I was reading your posts on MS and trying to see how it can apply to my son and A.D.E.M. Can the addition of curcumin, selenium and other supplements at this point, fatten up his myelin? Are there other supplements, herbs, dietary changes that could be helpful. Dosage? He is 4 and weighs 30lbs.

My son was 12 months when he had an fulminant episode of A.D.E.M. Acute disseminated Encephalomyelitis. An auto-immune attack to the myelin sheath much like MS but not progressive. It happened 9 weeks after a DTaP and flu vaccine. It is not clear if this was a factor. Never the less I have stopped vaccinating. As as a result of the A.D.E.M. he had severe neuro-motor regression. It is my understanding that he had to re-myelinate and re-cable the brain connections. He is now four-years-old. He has mild-moderate delays in gross and fine motor skills. He has cognitive delays and severe delays in his expressive language. Apraxia. He has mild hemiparisis on his left side. He is non-verbal. 50 percent of patients recovery completely. Many recover in 3-12 months. It has been three years now.

We recently did a constraint induced therapy where a cast was put on his right arm(strong side) to force him to develop his left side. We notice amazing improvements not only in the use of his left hand but also in cognative, speech and sensory awareness. He had global improvements in all areas of development.

He is on a seizure medication, levetiracetam . Although has not had a seizure since he was in the ICU during the attack, he remains on the anti-convulsive as precaucionary as he is also on methylphenadate, a central nervous system stimulant. We have notice tremendous development since he started taking it. Our neurologist in Mexico says that the methylphenadate brings down the threshold for seizure and that if he began to have seizures it would be a major set back for him. We may switch piracetam in the future when he is off the levetiracetam. Piracetam is not available in the US but not illegal either. His EEG's have shown tremendous improvements since he started the methylphenadate. Almost typical.

What is your opinion on HBOT, hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? Initially I found my 12 month old unconscious, not breathing, beginning to turn blue and had to revive him with CPR. Maybe his brain was deprived of oxygen for a period of time? Some of the off label use for it is for cerebral palsy, MS, Stroke and near drowning.

We have cut out MSG, aspartame, diary and processed foods in our diet for more than a year now. I muscle test most store bought foods before adding them to the family diet. We have also been seeing a Neurolink practictioner that runs a chelating protocol on my son.

Any ideas you could share would be greatly appreciated.


Replied by Beth (Vista, Ca, Usa) on 03/19/2010

Just an FYI - My sister has MS so I have been looking at treatments for it. Dr. Mercola had an article about a drug that was promising...(I know this is a natural remedies site) It is inexpensive and the patent has run out so no pharma will spend money to test on MS. It is called Low Dose Naltrexone. You can google it to find more info.

Hope it can help.


Replied by Alison (Bothell, Washington) on 03/25/2010

Since my original question to Ted about re-myelination, I have started to look at my sons current challenges more like "acquired Cerebral Palsy" Although his initial episode was like MS, the lingering effects are like CP with out the spasticity. I am now looking at Ted's remedy for Cerebal Palsy as a jumping off point. Thanks for the suggestion of Low dose Naltrexone.

Replied by Joe (Wellington, Fl) on 04/15/2010

My sis has MS too. Tumeric, B-Complex, Probiotics, fish Oil have helped her. The main thing is eating more raw foods and avoiding gluten or grains. Disodium EDTA helps with chelation of metals that are common with MS too. The Goldcoast cure book who's doctors wife has MS. Dr. Mercola site has data on MS and so does Doug Kaufman show. Try to avoid peanuts, grains, sweets, which feed mycotoxins that are linked to MS.

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