Questions About Ted's Morgellons Treatment

Posted By Lm (Charlotte, Nc) on 07/30/2018

Hi Ted, first thank you so much for the information you have provided. It has helped me not to panic. I believe I have contracted Morgellons a few months ago after Springtails invaded my apartment. My landlord also had my a/c unit cleaned inside. These are the only two things that were different when all of my symptoms showed up and are the only things I can correlate with what started this nightmare.

My first symptoms were cherry angiomas all over my torso and what appeared to be bite marks that then tracked veins under my skin. I now have veins all over my body that are right at the surface, swollen and some are small and some are huge busted blood vessels. The veins in my hands swell esp at night and stick out further than the bones. I have veins that come vertically down from my scalp towards my nose in 3-4 areas that swell up at night and bulge but look normal during the day. All of this has occurred within 1-2 months. I just turned 50 and my dr says “I am at that age”. I haven’t had any sores break out, but I am worried that these broken blood vessels are actually threads getting ready to break thru my skin. There are so many it is scary! There are even small ones on my face. I also have black specs coming off me. I have something in my ears that move around and hurt, but my dr says they are clear. He did say I have rosacea and gave me a cream but I hasn’t helped the rash on my face. I have a rash on my upper neck, back and shoulder blades. It doesn’t itch. Dr says it probably just a heat rash. I also have seen white things in my stool and my anus itches but my dr said my stool sample was negative. I am losing hair, but that has always been the case with me but it does seem to be more than usual. Not in patches, just stands. At night my skin burns, I get pinpricks and I feel like I am having an allergic reaction to something. I get sweaty and my chest neck and arms run red and splotchy. I also have been feeling like I have tiny cuts but nothing is coming out of them. My skin feels sticky and has a sparkly look to it all the time. I have been using Borax, Hydrogen P and Tea Tree Oil solution several times a day to break up what I assume is a biofilm. The dr says it’s just the humidity and the body products I use.

I have been bathing in Borax and Epsom salts, using Sulfur soap. Shampooing with Tea Tree Oil Shampoo. I have been drinking the 1/2 tsp baking soda in 1/2 glass H20 2x daily. I was going to start the Borax also, but I was going to do Diatomaceous Earth for the parasites I believe are in my stool. Can I do both safely or will it be too much on my system? Also, I have ordered the tetra sodium EDTA and ammonium chloride to eradicate the Morgellons. Before I open them, from what I described, do you believe what I have is Morgellons? I am disabled already with extreme Migraines and I have barely the money for rent so if I don’t need these items please let me know. I have been using Kleen Green which a friend gave me, but I don’t believe it is killing whatever is here because I see black specs all over. I don’t believe they are all from me because they are in areas where I don’t believe my body would leave them. You say to spray the EDTA solution on nests in ceilings and they will turn black or red. If I have popcorn ceilings in my apt, will the black or red things fall down or will they just stay black and red? Just wondering how to clean them off the popcorn?

i have been doing laundry in hot water with Borax, Vinegar and Laundy soap. If I have a particularly dirty load or my sheets, that I wash daily, I add Kleen Green.

i didn’t have the best diet before this and drank a lot of Coke and ate a lot of sugar. I have since eliminated all and have been as close as I can be to a diet of fish, chicken, salads and fresh vegetables. I have eliminated sugar and caffeine as much as possible. This has helped with the pinprick sensations quite a bit. If I have a parasitic infection, will the DE and/or Borax be enough or do I need to do a cleanse also? If so, which one would you recommend?

I have been taking Vitamin C, Lysine and B12. I am planning to add Magnesium and CoQ10. Is there anything else you would recommend with my limited income?

Also, I dye my hair. Will using the EDTA and ammonim chloride solution as a shampoo rinse out the dye or change the color? I can’t seem to find Anything, Anywhere on the Internet about Anyone with Morgellons and doing any of the different treatment to the hair and how it would effect hair dye.

I keep getting the pinpricks in my car. Will the EDTA solution be safe to use on all surfaces in my car?

Thank you so much for what you are doing for those of us who are suffering.

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Replied by Cpn (Usa) on 07/31/2018


Just wanted to share some info with you on this subject. I tried massive amounts of MSM sulpher and baking soda. At least every six hours or so about a 1/2 teaspoon baking soda and one tablespoon of MSM every 6 hours. Study your urine during this time to see if you see the fibers, specs etc. You will see this on the toilet rim if you are male and have over spray. Get a lint rolling brush and go over your skin look at it with a jewelers loop and check for fibers and spec and for itching get some hand sanitizer to rub on itchy spots. Finally maybe a few ( be careful with this ) Orange oil drops in water a few times a day. Hang up sticky glue fly strips in your home as well. Hope this helps.

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Replied by Janet (In) on 07/31/2018


Ted cannot answer, but I can answer some of your questions.

EDTA, borax, hydrogen peroxide, are the very best investment of your limited funds. The most bang for your buck.

A one gallon garden sprayer and 3 good hand sprayers. Golden. Your hands take a beating pumping sprayers. The garden type are pump once and then steady streams. So you can last. They are on clearance now at discount stores. I just picked up one for $6. Family Dollar, here.

A little laundry thinking. Cut up some old tee shirts or a flannel sheet. To fit about on a Swiffer head. Those are to saturate with your spray mix. Then as you spray your car you can damp mop, behind yourself. When you spray your ceiling. Swiffer with this same thing to spread it evenly. Do 1/4 of room at a time.

My mix for the sprayers, 2 gallon bucket. 2/3 cups borax. Let stand 1 hour. Leave grains at the bottom. Dip smaller sprayers to fill. Band a coffee filter over big sprayer to fill it. Catch the grains. Add 1% peroxide.

Dilution for EDTA. 70% water in a jar. Add 30% EDTA. This dissolves quick. Because EDTA stings and is tougher on surfaces and skin. Some tricks.

I use the solution to add to tub.say 1/4 cup. Keeping a borax saturated cloth nearby to protect eyes, or if stinging kicks up. Too strong? Add borax water. I keep a few gallons under sinks. For making cleaners etc. I just save them wash them, fill, and tuck under sinks.

My bath/ soak formula, 2 cups Epsom, 1 cup borax, 1 capful, fishtank dechlorinator, this will help protect you from chlorine steam. Much of my lifelong headaches were caused by chlorine. Walmart calls it fish tank conditioner. Or buy sodium thiosulfate crystals from aquarium or photographers, suppliers. 1 cup of peroxide. 20 minutes or more.

My shampoo, 3,1 liter water bottles, fill with tub water, add a pinch borax, 1% peroxide, 5 to 10 drops of EDTA, start low checking tolerance you can add more. Use first bottle as your wash. Wait, rinse with second bottle, wait, third bottle. Do not rinse away, air dry. Respray as needed. I use a solution saturated cloth lay it on my face while soaking, first 1/2, then a fresh one, the other half. If you must shampoo, do that first, then the bottle regime. Hair dye. It never affected mine. Some people have. Cut a piece/ chunk of hair. Experiment.

A good way to have these towels ready, fill a diaper wipe container with your cut up cloth folded. Add the solution. Throw those wipes away that come in them, toxic. Then leave them a little damp pouring off excess.

Instead of washing everything endlessly. Spray, use you normal pattern of washing. In washer, add borax, Epsom 1cup each, 1/4 cup EDTA. Stop washer after first spin, dry. Do not use commercial detergents or softeners. Change your pillowcases everyday. Spray your bed. When you get up. Ceiling. Spray before bed.

You bedding will smell line dried. I would not line dry. You do not want to pickup some random bird mite or something.

If stuff is extra dirty, wash in Arm and Hammer Washing Soda add you mix to 2nd rinse and spin.

Store laundry in bags if you must with a few grains of borax. Do not put your face over them when opening them. Look away.

DE is best used in the vacuum. 1/8 cup.. Tape a coffee filter over the opening that blows out. Or a paper towel. Do not touch it. Pick it off and bag it with a baggie. Seal and throw. Just the first vacuum. After that the de, every cup empty or bag change will take care of itself.

Spraying ceilings. It the key I think.

Do the doorway with a little Diatomaceous Earth (DE). I push it into edges along all baseboards and cabinets. 15 years still working. Adding a little borax. Gives it some weight. I keep de in an emptied powder container. If I have to treat the patio. Garden etc.

Sprinkle on the carpet after you spray your car. Great for any crevice. I always wear gloves, long sleeves, it has sharpish edges, why put your self through that.

You cleaner around the house is your spray. If something is greasy add 1% d limonene. Usually at grocery store cheap. Can be used in some internal remedies as long as it is 100% d limonene.

Your internal issues, DE is good. My preference is turpentine. I make 1 cup of honey, local, add 2 tbsp turp. Blend 60 seconds or so. Take a tbsp a day. I have used both. But I found Turpentine to be easier. I take wormwood and turp, 2 days a week for a month. 1 month off then again. If I feel punky. A dose of turp and honey is a great fix. That is the long term solution for us.

In the short get well phase. 5 days out of seven turp. 2 days wormwood.

Your headaches, Ted recommends potassium bicarbonate. 1/4 tsp in water. I add this to my alkalinity drink.

Something you might consider, about $15 magnesium flakes, to make mag oil. This can be used in water 5 drops is about 250 mg. Again added to my alkalinity drink 2x a day.

60% mag flakes in a jar add 40% spring water. Let stand 1 hour cap and shake this can be applied to feet, before bed to enrich you magnesium which may help correct your migraines.

Another investment, a small bottle if iodine, 5% lugols, $25. You can paint that on your foot at bedtime. That will give your thyroid a lift, to start signaling your body to send healing where needed.

Buckets for foot soaks, 1/2 the bath ingredients.

This was the most effective, cost wise I could come up with. There might be things that get ruined. Although it usually paint. Can be repainted and that does not happen often.


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Replied by Linda (Nd) on 12/31/2018

What is the exact portions of edta and ammonium chloride please., to make solution. Thnx

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