Tastebud damage after tonsillectomy

Posted By Lockeva (Richmond, Va) on 12/22/2013

Hi, I had my tonsils removed 11 days ago and I am finally starting to eat a somewhat normal diet again. I have noticed that everything that I eat tastes weird or the flavor is bland. Is there anything that I can do to help speed up the process of repairing my damaged tastebuds? I've heard that the gag they use to hold the tongue out of the way for the procedure is what causes damage to the taste buds.

Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 12/23/2013

Dear Lockeva,

If you can get some comfrey to use, that is good for cell regeneration. If you can get the loose leaves, you can make a tea to drink a few times a day. You could also just put the leaves in your mouth or in a tea bag and hold it in your mouth like a poultice for 10 minutes a few times a day.

Turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon twice a day is good for inflammation. If the taste buds are inflamed, this would help.

Sometimes the medicines used in surgery can leave a bad taste in the mouth and effects linger for a week or two. (Maybe longer.) 4 activated charcoal tablets once a day, away from other medicine would be good to try to get the lingering medication out of your system. You can suck on the charcoal tablets as they are good for inflammation, too and may help in your mouth.

I hope your taste buds are restored soon! Let us know how it goes.

~Mama to Many


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