Suggestions needed for breathing issues

Posted By Kalki (Mumbai, India) on 10/11/2011

I have had several allergic bouts throughout my life. Now I find that I am waking up every night between 2:30 and 4am with a leaky nose and an itching, aching soft upper palate. I can even feel sharp indendations and rough texture up there, with my tongue. (The texture is smooth at other times). It hurts, especially when I swallow. The only thing that helps it is when I breathe in and out forcefully through the nose sounding like a stalled truck. It feels like an itch is being relieved. Needless to say, the family does not appreciate all this noise in the middle of the night.

This happens for a few days and then stops and starts up again some days later. Has been happening for about two months now. I've tried sleeping early and late but the time frame is still the same.

This is nothing like I have experienced before and believe me I have gone through the entire range of allergic symptoms at different times. I just can't go back to sleep with the whole area throbbing and aching. So I sit up and read till I'm so sleepy I just drop off.

Any idea what this may be? Any suggestions?


Replied by Rachel (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 02/11/2012

No one talks about this but colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic and was used before antibiotics came out in the 1940s. You can take it orally, 2 oz or more at a time, and spray it into your nose, like Afrin or such. If you do this 5x a day for 2 days the infection will be gone.

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