Suggest something to reduce effects

Posted By Natural Living (Destin, Florida ) on 11/01/2011

<P>Would you suggest something to help reduce the effects of alcohol withdrawal and help reduce depression (not clinical depression just general blue feeling that lasts for a few days...... especially after drinking in excess).

Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 11/01/2011

Natural Living, Dr. Hoffer had great success using Niacin therapy with alcoholics. It also helps with the depression issue.

I would imagine that you also have a candida issue with all the sugar in alcohol so treating that would also help.


Replied by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 11/01/2011

Up the B complex vitamins big time. In a week you'll feel a different person.

Replied by Jenny (Sydney, Australia) on 11/02/2011

Hi. I would agree re probably having candida with the alcoholism. I have thought for some time that part of alcoholism is craving sugar. I have had candida for 20 years or so and most of the time had trouble with craving sugar. I used to think I was weak willed and rarely could control the cravings. EV coconut oil is the first thing that has helped me balance my blood sugar and stop the cravings. It has made a world of difference to how I feel and what I eat. I also drank wine most evenings - would need a drink by 6 pm although usually only had one or two glasses. Now I have a glass of wine once a week. I started with a teaspoon of EVCO twice a day and have built up to the recommended 3 Tablespoons daily on this website. If that is added into the diet it may also help with the alcoholism. Good Luck!

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