Suffering long time with dry skin and rash on neck

Posted By Juno (West Hollywood, California, Usa) on 02/05/2010

I have been suffering for a long time now from a feeling of dry skin as if from the inside. MY neck breaks into a red rash after a shower (I have tried eliminating everything I use in the shower) and my neck feels like it's cracking all the time. It looks dry too. I have tried avoiding everything, but have not gone on a fast and started adding things one by one yes. Does anyone have suggestions, even far fetched, what could be causing this??

Replied by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 02/06/2010

Hi Juno - Perhaps you need a shower filter (maybe the city added extra chemicals to the water supply and you're having a reaction). We moved from a very wet city (Vancouver) to a very dry one (Calgary) and our skin really dried up and we both got rashes (also, they use fluoride in the water here). A few things helped - drinking extra water (with 1/4 teaspoon sea salt in each litre), flaxseed oil (1 tablespoon daily) and fish oil (1 tablespoon daily). It also helped with my dry eyes. The only moisturizer I use is organic coconut oil - if you find it too greasy, mix a little with some aloe vera gel. I found it very soothing and my skin really liked it. I hope you find a solution to your problems - good luck!

Replied by Juno (West Hollywood, California, Usa) on 02/07/2010

Bessie thank so much for your feedback. I am taking flax seed oil and fish oil and ACV with Baking soda every day. However the shower head and the water might be the issue. Also will add sea salt to my drinking water. Thank you again.

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