Suffering from body acne and endometriosis

Posted By Maureenm (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 05/23/2012

Hi there, I have had face and body acne since age 13 and have had endometriosis for the past 5 years. I am wondering if I correct my ph balance, both problems could be helped/cured? Here is a little of my history.

I changed my diet for the past month to help my stage 4 endometriosis. I had surgery 1 1/2 years ago, to remove multiple large cysts on both ovaries, and tissue wrapped around blood vessels and such. It scared my fallopian tubes to the point I cannot conceive children naturally. It causes my severe pms where I become so low in mood resulting in severe depression. Right after my period I am a completely different person, so happy until the week before my period. The week before it starts it also causes me break outs, severe low energy and low iron. Although I have acne all the time, it becomes worse around my period. Also, my nails turn blue, sleep all the time and become very cold. I am on disability benefits its so bad. Thankfully the surgery helped my pain but I refuse to take any hormone changing meds to help everything else. Should I be taking iron supplements?

Since I changed my diet last month I don't eat meat, dairy, yeast, gluten, pretty much no carbs at all except brown rice at times. I eat fish sometimes but mostly veggies, almonds, almond milk and fruits like strawberries and green apples and avocado everyday to replace the fat. After reading Ted's posts on acne I stopped using all oils whether cooked or raw and also no sugar at all just honey in my black tea. I also had a long term chronic marijuana use to help with pain, but I stopped two months ago as I know it was making my endo worse and giving me worse acne. My endo is not painful any more but my periods come every three weeks instead of four. If this can be fixed its great because of the severe pms but my main concern is my acne. I have been told its hormonal acne, Ive had it since 13 yrs old, on my face, neck, chest, back and the last few years on my bum. It's moderate acne, not cystic acne but more blackheads and red flare up type acne sometimes resulting in painful whitheads. I dream of the day I can wear clothing that shows my back and chest and can wear my hair up as I am so incredibly embarrassed by it causing extreme self esteem issues.

I have been told I was born with hormonal imbalances, I havent taken birth control in years due to weight gain and swollen ancles and feet but I have been tested a few yrs ago and my estrogen was way too high, not sure about now though. I was born with underdeveloped bladder which lead to multiple bladder infections and I had to take antibiotics for 3 years straight as a child because I almost died from the infections. I couldn't feel when I needed to urinate and the urine backed up to my kidneys, I had many surgeries as well. I suffered from chronic interstitial cystious until my early 20's, am now 29 and finally is under control and has seemed to go away almost completely. I do not take any medications what so ever for anything as I wish to cure my body naturally.

For the past 2 months I now exercise at least 5 times a week for an hour, and just recently started taking Ted's alkalizing formula of baking soda, lemon and water 5 days ago. I was having trouble loosing the last bit of weight but since I cut out the sugar and started this drink 5 days ago I have lost at least 5 pounds. I can see my skin clearing a little but I still however have large red acne flare up bumps appearing mostly on my chest, neck, back and bum. I just finished a period too which usually clears up my acne a little until the week before my period where I completely break out. Its also harder to exercise around this time as I am low in energy.

My main questions are how can I clear up my acne and endo for good. I think my depression will ease when these two issues are gone. I do feel better these past two days but again just to be safe it could be because I just finished a period. I have been reading on earthclinic how ACV can clear up acne if you drink it, so I bought some.

What I really would love to know is, is it safe to take Ted's formula of 1/4 tsp baking soda, 1 lemon and 1/2 glass of water every day in the morning and before bed on empty stomach and ALSO ingest the ACV baking soda formula as well at some other time during the day? Considering these are two separate drinks can I take both the baking soda lemon formula as well as the ACV baking soda formula in the same day, and if so what times of day, for how many days a week and on an empty stomach and how long apart from each other? OR would it be better to just drink the ACV alone without the baking soda since I am already adding the baking soda to the lemon formla? I also started taking zinc the past two days as I have read Ted stating a zinc deficiency could cause acne as well. I really love the effects of the baking soda and lemon formula so far and dont want to stop but since my acne is still coming I really wanted to add the ACV formula at some point during the day but dont want to take them too close together fearing they may cause unbalanced ph or some other problem? Or if there is anything else I should be doing, or taking, I would yearn to know. Thanks for any help in advance.


Replied by Andoy (Boise, Idaho) on 05/27/2012

Looks like you have an acidic body. Suggests you go to and search your cure.

Replied by Aprilbree (Kansas City) on 07/05/2012

Hi there! I recommend you read the book by Dr. John Lee... I think it's called "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause". Even if you don't have menopause, read it. I work for a company that sells progesterone cream (non-synthetic, toxin-free) that is transdermal (not in pill form so it bypasses the liver). We have had many many women have cysts disappear after using our cream (as well as reversing other major hormonal imbalance issues--cramping, mood swings, inability to conceive, headaches, depression, etc). We are an estrogen dominant society, thanks to birth control pills, hormone injected meats, etc. Many people do not know about the role progesterone cream has in the body, but it's absolutely necessary. It also helps with fibromyalgia and adrenal function. if you decide to go the progesterone route, PLEASE do not get a synthetic progesterone. Get one that is all natural and toxin free! I would love to tell you who I work for, but I think that may be against Earth Clinic's rules? just google search "bio-identical progesterone cream" and that should take you to some options of companies that sell it. All the best to you!!!!!!!!

Replied by Lb1200 (San Diego, Ca) on 10/17/2012

The gluten free diet cured my severe body acne that began when i was thirteen. i also had cyclic (with my cycle) flare ups. the gf diet really saved my life :)

Replied by So Much Healthier Now (West Coast, Ca) on 11/14/2012

I am so sorry for your many medical concerns--very wearying. Many years I suffered job-stress-induced kidney infections that dr's always wanted to do medical procedures on. After avoiding dr's many years, a friend suggested cranberry juice as it is the only juice that naturally kills the kidney infection. I would just take a jug to work with me, and drink it instead of coffee in my mug thru the day. In 1 day, drink the whole gallon, not hard to do, and result was cure in 1 day every time. My swollen legs reduced totally to healthy size with squeezing 1 lemon in a glass, add some water, and drink it (no sweetening). For kidney stones, I add a teaspoon olive oil to the lemon juice. Again, in 1 day, kidneys were pain free, infection was gone, achy pains gone. Ureters worked perfect like new, and cured fem yeast infection too. The leg swelling was less, but really healed when I corrected diet, adding fresh spinach (fastest way to oxygenate my lungs and brain - works in a few seconds after swallowing). Banana and cantaloupe with breakfast gave me energy to walk about (just start with housework chores), and that movement was enough, with lemon juices and fresh veggies, to reduce swollen legs edema alot and get a very visible result to correcting internal issues.

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