Need Help for Sudden, Once a Week, Unpredicted Bowel Movement

Posted By Edward (Los Angeles, Calif ) on 12/03/2016

Each Saturday, only Saturdays in the afternoon about 1:00pm, I have a sudden feeling of having a bowel movement...and I only have about 1 minute or less to get to a toilet. Only 50% of the time do I make it. I have no control.

The usual MD question is what did you eat.

It is unrelated.

Oddity, it is only on Saturdays.

Can anyone help?


Replied by Harry (Los Angeles) on 01/15/2017

I hate to agree with your MD, but unless it's stress related, diet seems like the likely culprit to me, too. Maybe there's something different in your weekly routine that only happens on Friday or Saturday?

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