Struggle with constipation while traveling

Posted By Tina (New York) on 09/09/2010

I'm usually completely regular. I'm on vacation in a different time zone - 8 hours difference. I haven't had a bowel movement in 5 days. It feels as though my body simply forgot about bowel movements. I don't feel bloated. It's not that I sit down and can't do the job. It's just not happening every morning as it usually does. Last night I took a Tbsp. of lemon with a tbsp. of olive oil. This morning I took a few tbsp. of lemon with a few of olive oil. Nada. Can anyone help me?

Replied by Lisa (Lafayette, La) on 09/09/2010

Same exact thing happens to me. When I am on vacation, the bowel movements stay at home! I try different things. I will eat a little yogurt in the morning and a dry piece of toast. Sometimes that does the trick. Drink LOTS of water, don't skimp on that. Also, try taking magnesium powder mixed in a little tiny bit of orange juice, try about 1200 mg per day, divided up into two doses. It's a lot, but it does the trick for me. A little runny, but it's better than none at all. When I get home, all is well again!

Replied by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 09/10/2010

I have the same problem whenever I travel. I have several solutions: eat a couple of prunes (not too many), drink a glass of warm water or a cup of tea first thing in the morning, eat some fruit first thing (any fruit works for me), drink a glass of water with molasses and drink enough water! I hope this helps...

Replied by Beat Poet (Gig Harbor, Washington Usa) on 05/21/2012

To everyone. Ive tried almost all of these remedies. I had a shoulder operation about 5 years ago and it either affected my thyroid or my liver or both. I was doing well until then but have had a lot of trouble with constipation since and nothing works for long. I think I need a serious series of liver and gallbladder cleanses. like one man said in his book: eat all the fiber you want but if the gallbladder isnt functioning properly you will still have constipation.

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