Specialist diagnosed with barretts esophagus

Posted By Eva (Kitchener, Ontario) on 04/25/2009

I was recently diagnosed with condition called "Barrett's Esophagus". Specialist prescribed me high dose of Prevacid and she told me that I have to take this for the rest of my life and is only chance to prevent cancer of esophagus in the future. I know this drug is dangerous for many reasons,but I have no idea if there is something else to help me. Thank you very much, Eva

Replied by Frank (Mountainview, Hawaii) on 06/27/2011

SAME DILEMNA! Gastroenterologist says to take 20mg of omeprazole twice a day but never tell me the long term bad news about such useage! I do not know who to believe because everyone has their on opinion? WHATS THE TRUTH? Does anyone know and is everyone trying to sell a product? Whats the real solution? Do I get off cold turkey the omeprazole nd take AVC? Im confused and I do not wish to get cancer! Email me if you REALLY have proof of what is right to do.

Replied by Melanie (Greensburg, Pa, Usa) on 01/22/2012

Please help! I have been diagnosed with Barrett's Syndrome and I am convinced that Candida is the cause. I had thrush several months ago and was prescribed Nystatin. It was like a miracle drug. My fatigue, muscle pain and joint pain all disappeared. I had energy that I haven't had in years. I started making the connection that I had an yeast issue. I have been on antibiotics and steroids on and off for years and I believe the candida is extreme. Now, I have been diagnosed with Barrett's Syndrome and read that acid both feeds yeast and causes this condition. Can anyone help me? The candida diet seems VERY extreme. Thanks!

Replied by Peter (Perth, Western Australia) on 09/22/2012

Hello, About 10 years ago I was diagnosed with two small oesophageal ulcers near my stomach. I was put on Losec or Omezaprole and told I would have to take them for the rest of my life.

Recently I a swallowed the camera again and they found the ulcers gone but I now have 20mm of Barretts. The biopsy showed no pre-cancer or anything like that. I'm was on Nexium40 up until a couple of weeks ago, now Nexium20 intermittantly. Was told to revisit in 4 years for another look.

A couple of weeks ago I took myself off to emergency with what basically amounted to heart attack symptoms.... Chest pains, very weak, headache/flu like symptoms and sore sinus/jaw area, slightly numb hands. They tested blood, urine and did an ECG and said it was not just normal but better than with 0.00% problems with my heart.

From that night I have not taken any Nexium and I'm feeling much better.

I did suffer a pretty much identical emergency about a year ago while on Omezoprole(spelling?) but never connected it with the problem. None of these doctors have either.

I also had severe chest pains many years ago when taking Zantac. Woke up in the middle of the night and nearly called 000 before it subsided. When mentioned to the doctor they dismiss it even though the literature in the packaging says to go to emergency immediately if you get chest pains! ?!

I do of course suffer heartburn a bit now but I'm actually afraid of going back on Nexium(or any drug). So these natural remedies people are mentioning are great to hear about. I'll try to find some of this Apple cider vinegar to start with I think.

I should mention, I am reasonably healthy, 47 years old, I would say I eat just ok, not good. I tend to be too busy to make time to feed myself properly. Having said that I don't eat take away all the time but do have the occasional frozen dinner. I don't smoke and hardly drink. I do some exercise.

I found the usual I suppose; try not to drink fizzy drinks, sugary things, pies and bananas also don't agree with me. meat Pie's/pastries are particularly bad I've found.

Cheers, Pete


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