Son having trouble with heart stents

Posted By Jane (Calgary, Alberta Canada) on 01/06/2015

I am hoping that some one can be of help, three weeks ago they found my son had 2- 90%, said if he had a heart attack he would not survive, did angoplastic & put in 2 stints, since then' has been put on medication, now has problems breathing just doesnt seem to have enough wind. He also is having a bad reaction to either the stents or medication, broke out in a rash over his whole body, blistered and peeled still breaking out; he says he just feel not right all over. He is also type one diabetic and can not get his blood glucose to go lower, is very high even when he takes his needles. Has anyone else had this problem or help on what to do.He still has many more smaller blockages, 30,40, & 50 that need to be helped. Thank you so much. Jane

Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 01/07/2015

Hey Jane,

Your son's outbreak all over his body might be giving away what the problem really is. Could be an infection came with the stent surgery. If this were me, I'd try drinking colloidal silver...three teaspoons three times a day for five days. If some relief accompanies the consumption then I'd keep up the CS for another seven days. I'd keep looking to reduction in symptoms to confirm that the issue is an infection and the infection is being killed off by CS usage.

All just a guess...not attacking the use of a stent; just wondering if a virus accompanied the procedure.

Replied by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 01/07/2015

HI U JANE, , , , , , , , , please read up on EDTA Chelation I.V. 's. My wife and I have had over 60 each in order not to have pluggage. There were over 200 patients in our groups over 3 years who had the same problem as your son. Most had been told by their cardiologist to go home and get their paperwork in order. Some have passed on, but most are doing fine with their mainteance program.

I would question any magic pill proposed.

Wish you well ======ORH=========


Replied by Helpyourself (Texas) on 01/07/2015

Using Tabasco on his food may help with blockage and lowering sugar levels. Works like a rotor rooter. Must be Tabasco, others have ingredients that are not healthy, probably. Moderation is key. Good Luck!

Replied by Jane (Algary, Ab CA) on 01/16/2015

I wanted to thank all that responded to my earlier post and the rash that my son had after having stents put in. He was very ill and was told it was Steven Johnson Syndrem. He lost the skin on his whole stomach area, parts of his legs, arms etc.This can be a life threatening reaction to a lot of medications or virus. We found that it was caused by Crestor, a staten drug such as Lipitor . As he is type 1 diabetic, he also had lost all control over his blood sugar. He is doing much better and we hope it will continue.This drug has many many side effects, there is a lot of information on the web. Thank You again, Jane

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