Smelling Something That Isn't There

Posted By Peggy K. (Winnsboro, Louisiana ) on 02/11/2022

What can cause you to smell something that isn't there? Thanks.

Replied by Art (California) on 02/12/2022

Peggy K.,

This is referred to as Phantosmia or olfactory hallucinations and can be caused by head injuries, Parkinson's Disease, upper respiratory infection. It can also be caused by temporal lobe seizures, brain tumors or inflamed sinuses. Another cause can be from the cancer, Neuroblastoma. There are other causes such as mentioned by psychics, but these first ones would be fairly common ones.


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Replied by Bevil (NC) on 02/12/2022

Diabetes will cause you to keep smelling something sweet and fruity once you are in diabetic ketoacidosis.
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Replied by Connie (Utah) on 02/12/2022

This may seem far fetched, but the symptom of having odd smells may be caused by a complex partial seizure or focal seizure. It's different than grand mal and other types.

There are other symptoms, so look for those to see if they apply.

"Seizures arising from the mesial temporal lobe are characterized by auras such as epigastric sensation, deja vu, a feeling of fear, and unpleasant smells. Autonomic features like tachycardia, flushing, and pallor are common. Auras may be followed by impaired awareness and manual and oroalimentary automatisms.

Lateral temporal seizures may have vertigo, auditory (buzzing, ringing), or visual symptoms as initial aura symptoms."

The causes are many, such as infection, stroke, trauma, etc.

Even electrolyte imbalance can cause these seizures.

A ketogenic diet is often recommended. I would stress having enough electrolytes; sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

I had these strange smells for years until I realized it was from calcium deficiency. Strange but true.

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