Sinuses and Ears Won't Fully Drain, How Do I Fix This?

Posted By Tina (Toledo, Ohio) on 04/18/2018

Hi. I have been battling sinus problems for years. some months ago I had a cold that worsend my sinuses and has given me ear infections in both ears. I recently been trying to irrigate my nose and put some natural disinfectants in my ears. My problem is that when I do this not all of the fluid drains out like it's supposed to so I end up with a stuffy head and fluid filled ( though disinfected) ears. My head eventually drains if I quite irrigating but My ears still feel full. My sinus and ear infections can't go away if I can't put stuff in to treat them. So, any body know how to solve this issue of non-drainage and even why it's happening?
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Replied by Marnie (Madera, Ca) on 04/19/2018

Coconut oil! My husband and I both had a sinus infection. When his cleared up much faster than mine - despite the fact that I was rinsing with a Neti pot solution (water, salt, colloidal silver and xylitol. Or water with some grapefruit seed extract) and my husband was not using a Neti pot rinse at all... I figured out the one thing he was doing that I wasn't. He had been oil pulling with coconut oil for 20 minutes every morning. As soon as I began swishing with coconut oil twice a day, as well as rubbing it liberally on my face over the sinuses, it cleared up quickly. Coconut oil is antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal. I believe it works because it's able to penetrate the skin and enter into the sinuses / ears from the mouth. We used organic virgin coconut oil that was cold pressed.
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Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 04/19/2018

Tina, you can try Bill Munro's h2o2 inhalation method.
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Replied by Mama To Many (Tn) on 04/19/2018

In addition to Marnie and Mmsg's great suggestions, you could try mucinex as an internal remedy to help things to drain. Staying well hydrated (especially with hot vinegar tea) helps to keep mucous thin and moving.

Mullein tea is also great to thin mucous. Or

Hot Vinegar Tea

  • 6 ounces hot water
  • 1 Tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon honey

You can add a pinch of cayenne and/or cinnamon to the above mix, too. The cayenne will also encourage draining.

~Mama to Many~

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