Shingles in Lower Leg With Numbness

Posted By Mary (Austin, Tx) on 06/10/2021

Shingles in the lower leg with numbness

Is anyone familiar with this rare condition? Dr. I have is not.


Replied by Charity (faithville, Us) on 06/11/2021

I had different forms of shingles at least 5 times and they are from having had chickenpox. The virus is still in your body tissues and when stress or imbalances happen they surface in shingles or herpes zoster. Shingles is a virus so lysine is a good thing to take, coconut is anti-viral, zinc helps but I would balance it with copper. B vitamins because stress is usually the initial cause of an outbreak, magnesium for stress. Then there are the foods that lower lysine and those are in sources of arginine so here is a list so you can figure out how you got out of balance. Stay calm it will pass. Alpha lipoic acid for nerve pain.

Lysine and Arginine Food Guide (

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Replied by Angi S. (CALIFORNIA) on 06/17/2021

Yes, I had shingles 2 years ago, with this exact issue.

I started taking 1000 mg lysine every day. This has helped me tremendously. I continue to take the 1000mg lysine even now.

It took 6 weeks for this issue to clear up once I found out the missing links.

There are more results about shingles looking through EC.

This should help.

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