Seeking remedies for vaginal and belly button fungal infection

Posted By Alexandra (Charleston, Sc) on 05/12/2015

Hi! I'm looking for a natural approach to help treat the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections and a fungal/ yeast infection in my belly button. I've had a long history of candida overgrowth and a weakened immune system.

I grew up taking antibiotics for ear infections and when I was thirteen I had shingles on my face and then started getting thrush when I was sixteen. I went to several doctors and finally found Dr. Hyman at the Ultrawellness Center - did the diet, took the supplements and voila, I was healed! After a year and a half, I didn't stick to it though (bad move on my part) and I ignored signs of the yeast coming back and so now, it's back with a vengeance. I have constant redness, itchiness and inflammation vaginally and I have the same symptoms in my belly button and it's spread to the outside of my belly button as well. Sometimes I get infections underneath my breasts as well. I'm tired, rundown, moody and anxious on top of everything else.

I'm on 200 mg of Diflucan weekly and Ketaconazole for my belly button and I use Nystop as needed for the infection on my chest. I'm also taking all sorts of supplements - Vitamin B's, C, Zinc, Caprin, Oregano, Fish Oil, two Probiotics, a multivitamin, Vitamin D and then two others I can't remember...and the symptoms aren't going away. I'm afraid my yeast might be immune to any sort of attack...I've drastically reduced my diet, but I realize I might need to cut out corn, turkey jerky, peas, chicken sausage, potatoes and other things, as I regularly still eat those and just found out their high in sugar. I've limited other sugar as I know it - no fruit, table sugar, honey, alcohol etc. - but I do eat Kind Bars as my "sugar" fix and a "healthy" granola mix that uses coconut sugar.

Anyways, any topical help or any other suggestions would be really helpful! I'm planning on doing the Candida Protocol diet soon and trying some of those direct Candida Attacks - but I'm hesitant about Apple Cider Vinegar as I've avoided vinegar for the last several months, thinking that it fed yeast, yet I keep reading that it's helped get rid of infections. I've thought about applying an oregano oil and coconut oil mix to the infection - but am wondering about Apple Cider Vinegar. I'm also worried about overloading my system because I want to try everything at once - any thoughts?

Thank you! So happy I found this site!


Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 05/13/2015

Hi Alexandra,

Re candida/ yeast / compromised immune system

Let me speak to the compromised immune system you discussed at the beginning of your post. If me, (and I do this), to aid a weakened immune system, I'd use something to ward off virus/bacteria/fungus attack. My choice for decades is colloidal silver. EC has a video I made as you might need a lot and it's easy to make your own. I take two tablespoons three times daily. I believe that can give some "general" help to the immune system.

As a topical, I'd try using some DMSO cream and adding turpentine. A tablespoon of DMSO to ten drops of turpentine is what I'd do. Adding colloidal silver to the mix would also benefit. I'd try a small amount to test reaction. I JUST used this mix on myself....chest wall... when I found sudden growth of "nodules"...six or seven with tiny spots on skin right above the nodules. Might have been an outbreak of shingles. I used that application five times and nodules have disappeared in a matter of five days.


Replied by Jane (Richland, Wa) on 05/13/2015

I put Boric Acid in a small gel cap, for seven days introduce into the vaginal canal, sleep with it to keep in. Works like no other and so simple. My daughter has recurring and this takes care of it. I would wash my belly button with boric Acid and warm water. NOT BORAX. Boric acid from the pharmacist.

Replied by William (Virginia) on 10/03/2017

I caught a jock itch infection nearly 20 years ago while working at a Walmart. :P It only flares up if I leave soap residue in my groin after bathing - you can bet I've become very careful about that!

The fungus has persisted in my belly button, and has become harder and harder to control. I have had some success with tincture of oregano oil. But beware, it REALLY stings, and I DO mean REALLY.

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Replied by Katzie (Calgary ) on 09/15/2020

BUT you can get by with Borax if you can't get any Boric Acid. 17.48% boron is in boric acid vs 11.34% in borax. So if you already have some in your laundry room and are quarantining, Borax will work great! And don't worry, Borax is simply mined from dried up salt lake beds; it is NOT a detergent.

As a bonus, Borax has practically stopped my hot flashes! I simply lick my finger, dip it in the borax, put that into my bottle of water, shake and drink. It dissolves and is tasteless. I found it thru this lovely site, thank heavens.

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Replied by Missm (New York) on 09/16/2020

Yup, your system is compromised. Sugar has to go for at least two months. You could try taking a spray bottle of apple cider vinegar and spray areas affected. It does work. BUT if you continue to feed yourself with any sugars it will come back.

You can also try Herb Pharm Fungus Fighter. You can use this internally then I have made a spray of distilled water with fungus fighter, and drops of lugols Iodine. Iodine is very effective but you don’t need to be orange by diluting it you get to use iodine to kill fungus without being colored! Try that for sure. You could also try painting the iodine on belly button area as test as you can keep it covered. I found iodine very effective as well as apple cider vinegar.

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