Second time in 3 months have recurring sore throat

Posted By Jeanne (Pasadena, Ca) on 05/27/2014

For the second time in 3 months, I have a sore throat that I caught on a plane. It was very slow to manifest (symptoms started last Wednesday), but kept me up all last night. When I got it in February, it was also slow to manifest and turned into a nasty bronchitis after a few weeks. I feel I have the exact same thing again. Can someone please make suggestions? I am taking colloidal silver every few hours, gargling with cayenne pepper, and supplementing with immune support mushrooms. Last time I did the same in additional to taking powerful oregano oil capsules and NOTHING WORKED. It kept going and going until I finally had to do a round of antibiotics. The doctor ascertained it was not strep throat last time, but some bacterial infection.

Also, since it feels exactly like what I got in February, do you think I never got rid of it? Thank you all for your suggestions!


Replied by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 05/28/2014

Dear Jeanne,

About your sore throat...if it isn't responding to Cayenne and Silver it is a MEAN sore throat! I think you are right, it is probably the same from last time and never totally went away.

Are you doing Vitamin C? I would do tons of C. 1, 000 mg an hour. (Unless it gives you diarrhea, then cut back.)

Also, 1 clove crushed garlic every three hours. In honey, raw honey if possible. Not delicious. I take it with a little food.

Honey Vinegar Tea (2 T. each on a mug of hot water) a few times a day.

Would you happen to have any comfrey, marshmallow or slippery elm on hand? They all get kind of slimy when made into a tea and will help garlic or cayenne or whatever to stick to your throat. Slippery elm is supposed to be good for a sore throat.

Do you have a fever? And are you resting?

If weather permits, a little time in the sunshine would be helpful.

I hope you are feeling 100% soon!

~Mama to Many~


Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 05/29/2014

Hello Jeanne;

Re the sore throat/bronchitis...

Yeah...riding in planes are notorious for recirculating the air and spreading germs from a few passengers; then anyone who is susceptible especially are subject to reinfection. And by susceptible, I mean those with a compromised immune system. You had already been infected a few time before, so it takes a while to rebuild the immune system.

The solution IS the Colloidal Silver but in your case especially you have to take it the right way as silver works BEST if directly applied: IRRIGATION.

Your infection is way back in the sinus cavity and now into the bronchial passages.

If me (and I just had to do it this last winter); I use a "Steam Inhaler" ... absolutely essential...REALLY...absolutely essential for any infection in the bronchial/lungs, even heart is important. I got my Inhaler at one of the drug stores...Walgreens I believe.

Second, make sure the CS you're using is strong enough. I make my own (being prone to sinus infections). I'm using about 200 ppm. I could get by with 15 ppm.

I am now using CS three times daily to attack some fungi that a Live Cell Microscopy discovered. And (drat! ) had to go with a big diet change; carb issue. And Jeanne, I'm an old guy... having to learn new tricks at my age...but I'm open to the new things, the things that require a new approach. So think carefully what I'm saying about the Inhaler. I only learned that "new trick" seven or eight years ago. When I use the Inhaler (when the infection goes from sinus to bronchial) I have to start the Inhaler quickly to keep it from being a multi week "event". I use it twice to three times daily and I must breathe DEEPLY for about three minutes with each use. If in my lungs, I assume infection is saturated within my system and so I drink the CS also.

A few times in my life I've felt like the infection is "stuck" in my sinus passage and used a Borax solution a few times to wash it out. (I use an ear syringe to squirt CS into sinus cavity. That gets it further back and deep into sinus cavity. Squirt gently of course.) I don't think the Borax killed the infection but I do think that if a "film" was protecting the microbes then the Borax may have exposed them to attack by the CS. Soon the stubborn infection was gone.

Now when a person first irrigates into sinus passage, expect to feel a big Stinging, especially on one side of sinues; the dominantly infected side. Then ten minutes later when re applying the irrigation, almost no stinging. (The CS is doing its job.) When doing an irrigation, I am sure not to forget the ear canals...if I have a bad infection the likelihood that the infection is in the ears/and Eustachian Tubes is probable.

Hope hearing what I do for infection is helpful.



Replied by Jeanne (Pasadena, Ca) on 06/14/2014

To Mama to Many and Dave,

Thank you so much for responding to my post. I have been meaning to write you back but wanted to wait until I had fully cured my sore throat! I ended up trying all of your remedies.. inhaled colloidal silver, took garlic, drank apple cider vinegar. I also inhaled hydrogen peroxide. All the remedies helped a little bit, but a few days later, my sore throat came back with a vengence.I kept repeating the remedies. The sore throat keep coming back and coming back. I finally spoke with a doctor who told me that people are catching this virus on planes in the past 2 months and the sore throat comes and goes for weeks. He suggested rinsing the back of my throat, sinuses and ears a few times a day with water. I tried this too. Finally, 3 weeks into the sore throat saga , when the sore throat/virus was severely fatiguing me, I decided to snort colloidal silver up my nasal passages like Dave has suggested (hadn't done that). The next day I started to feel better andso I did it 2x/day for 2 more days. Today (3 days later after starting this method), I am almost 100% back to normal. Wow! Finally!! So, I'm guessing the virus was apparently lingering in my sinus passages, causing a mucous condition which was causing the sore throat.

I would recommend the colloidal silver "snort" method to anyone who just can't get rid of a sore throat! I think maybe snorting hydrogen peroxide would have worked too, but wanted to try the CS first. Note: the colloidal silver burned a little bit each time, but went away after a minute.

Thank you guys again and again and again!!!!!


Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 06/14/2014

Dear Jeanne,

Re; How to apply Colloidal Silver....

Good for you!

So many folks "try" CS but the culprit is back in the sinus passage... continually re infecting the throat, ears and whole body. But I keep finding people just won't irrigate a little aggressively.

I keep talking about using the palm of hand or syringe method to irrigate because one must get to the whole sinus cavity. WAY BACK IN THE SINUS CAVITY...and it takes some nerve to squirt that syringe with a bit of force to get the CS deep.

You did brave lady!!!

And got the benefits of a full dose CS treatment. I would recommend you "snort" ten more times (as you call it) and drink the CS twice daily. You had a nasty infection and it might have gotten into your system so better make sure it is killed wherever it traveled (typically to some organ). I'd do the oral consumption part for three months. I don't know if you caught any of my previous posts but for years I've orally consumed a little CS weekly (maybe four two tablespoons four times weekly) and after having my blood analyzed by a really good Live Cell Microscopy expert, found some fungus in my blood that exceeded typical limits. I'm now on three doses daily; two tablespoons each dose and will be doing that amount for a year or more. (It is a long term project to rid the body of fungus...more long term than the typical virus in my experience...with exceptions of course).

So keep it up Jeanne. I am impressed with your communications; obviously a well read and adventurous lady. You've read my posts and you know how I love to be a medical Sherlock; I'll go so far as to surmise this; based on your writings...I'd even surmise your MOTHER is cultured and beautiful. (Yes, your in your biological mother.)

How's that for logical intuition. If I'm wrong just forget I said that! Ha. Just having fun this lovely Saturday morning.


Replied by Autumn (Louisville, Ky) on 06/14/2014

Hi Jeanne!! I just ordered a Colloidal Silver Generator & am expecting it to be here at any minute!! Thank you for your post about 'Snorting' it, because I am sure that I would have not done it aggressively as Dave puts it. Now that you have told us the need to do it like that, I will make sure to get the CS way up into my nasal cavity since I am using it to get rid of chronic sinusitis and dizzy spells that I have been having. I just wanted to say Thanks Jeanne for your update!! I am happy that you got your sore throat back to normal. :)

Replied by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 06/14/2014

Dear Jeanne,

I love a happy ending. Thanks for sharing how it all turned out! It is really helpful!

~Mama to Many~


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