Sagging skin and stretch mark removal

Posted By Maya (Northern, Mi) on 09/13/2009

Greetings and many blessings,

Please, can anyone discuss stretch mark removal short of plastic surgery?

Quick details:

Sagging skin and stretch marks from pregnancy. Marks are over 10 years old. I understand how to prevent them in the future, but I would like to remove, or even just fade, the ones I have. And, tighten skin a bit.

I bought a needling device to damage skin deeply and regenerate collagen production. There must be deep damage, because skin regenerates frequently, and my marks are not fading. I also have purchased a dermabrasion cloth to speed regeneration by rubbing.

I am considering peels (acids) and/or creams as well. But, it gets so confusing. I am not scared of discomfort to get results. I am also wondering what I can apply after needling to encourage regeneration (colloidal silver, peroxide, ACV, etc). Will also start consuming MSM and ascorbic acid. Please advise.

Thank you so much for all that you do.


Replied by Angel (Flw, Missouri, Usa) on 09/14/2010

Try Castor oil, place castor oil on your stretch marks do not rub it in, the put plastic wrap on it, then for 20 min to 45 min place a heating pad on the plastic wrap, afterwards wipe off. Within a week I noticed results. I have old stretch marks on my breasts, butt, and stomach from having twins. It has improved 50% in 3 weeks. :) Its amazing.

Replied by Diane (Ottumwa, Iowa) on 01/10/2012

Pantothenic Acid. Zinc. Magnesium. B6

Consider supplements, in addition to whatever topicals you wish to use. Zinc, (do not take with calcium), Magnesium, Pantothenic acid and B6. Pantothenic acid will help heal existing stretch marks, but you must compensate by using the other complements of B complex vitamins, especially B-6.

Anecdotally, I supplemented with this while I carried carried twins, full term. I started seeing the red lines of stretch marks forming in my fourth month and I knew it was going to bad. It was my second pregnancy. I don't advise taking anything while you are pregnant, but I was in an absolute panic at the time and this was twenty years ago. Supplementing with Pantothenic acid healed my existing stetch marks, and no new ones formed. Of course this would be even better if you are not pregnant or nursing a child, safer and less to worry about. Pantothenic acid is essential for many biochemical processes but you must buy it in addition to your B complex. It is not usually in the B-complex preparation in enough concentration if at all. Be careful, if you start to get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, (pains in your wrists) just increase your B6 and it will go away in a few days. The Pantothenic Acid is the key, and your body uses it in tandem with B6 which is why you must supplement with B6 also.

Good Luck All.


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