Need Remedy Advice for Rosacea or Seborrheic Dermatitis

Posted By Karin (Italy) on 08/20/2021

Hi Ted,

I've noticed a lot of strange symptoms culminating 3 years ago in either rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis and chronically itchy ears and occasional ear infections.

Had chronic dandruff since I was young, nothing helped long-term. Recently started to use sulfur soap for head and rosacea, seems it helped the scalp at least for now, bit it aggravated my face.

Other symptoms include runny nose when eating, strong seasonal allergies, bruises that take long to heal, Sensitivity to histamines and possibly sugar, a couple of swollen lymph nodes over the years, one surgically removed, irregular bowels and dairy intolerance. Plus anxiety and mood swings.

Saw a nutritionist for 8 months and cut out gluten and dairy, and a lot of supplements. Improvement of gut health but skin problems remained the same. Summer really aggravated face, redness seems to be increasing and moving slowly from under nose to also right cheek. Someone told me he cured his psoriasis cutting out all carbs and sugar, my nutritionist said under no circumstances could she support me doing that. I asked her about ivermectin and borax and she said until it's confirmed I have a parasite she wouldn't recommend it as it could interfere with my gut flora balance.

Really confused. Went to a doctor last year who gave me antibiotics, mildly helped at first then nothing. Tested glycemic level in blood after 13 hour fast, was 94.

In the past 10 years, I've done Accutane, birth control (though my cycle remains extremely precise), different anti-depressants. In 2016, after a spring allergy attack, I developed sebo dermatitis under my nose. I eventually found a facialist who gave me a cream for it and it went away, only to come back in the same way + sunburn in April 2019. Ordered the same cream but it didn't work.

Tried baking soda in water for pH, gave me diarrhea, also when mixed with apple cider vinegar (although can't seem to find with the mother inside).

Any help given would be greatly appreciated, I've become afraid of the medical community as of late. Thank you!


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Replied by Deirdre (Connecticut) on 08/20/2021

Hi Karin,

Ted had a stroke in 2015 and has not been able to correspond on Earth Clinic since then. I am so sorry.

However, re the seb derm under your nose and elsewhere... I had this around my nose for many years and tried every remedy on Earth Clinic on our Seb Derm page... same as you; parasite formulas, turpentine, borax, Apple Cider Vinegar in baking soda, flax seed oil, etc. etc,.

Lugol's iodine topically applied with a q-tip to the dry skin around my nose (burned like the dickens though) for a few days cured it for about a year, but then it came back and the lugol's didn't work after that.

However and with great excitement, I finally got rid of my Seb Derm permanently after 30 years (!!!! ) when I took a very inexpensive Vitamin D3 serum in 2018. Started to clear up on day 2 and disappeared after about a week. The redness from having it so many years took another month or so to heal up.

I continue to take D3 capsules regularly. Getting vitamin d from the sun did NOT help my seb derm ever. In fact, it seemed to flare it for some reason. But the supplement does work wonders.

Let us know if you try and if it helped!

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Replied by Michael (New Zealand) on 08/20/2021

Hello Karin from Italy,

For either Eczema or Rosacea I would use what we use over here! Also for itchy, cracked or dry skin.

This is a Balm made from the following ingredients, which you would apply in very small amounts (a smear) three to five times per day using a very clean finger: avocado oil, horopito, poroporo, kumerahoe, kawakawa, chickweed, unbleached New Zealand beeswax, NZ grown lavender oil, golden-seal, licorice root, calendula, Vitamin E, grapefruit seed extract, and zinc.

Worked for a bout of Rosacea on me many years ago- brilliant!

Cheers from Down Under

(P.S. Could E.C. kindly include this in New Zealand folk remedies please- thanks).


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