Requesting Help for Lupus and Vasculitis

Posted By Angelight (Roslyn, NY, USA) on 04/07/2013

Hi Ted, I'd appreciate any help with this: I have been diagnosed with Lupus which is attacking my skin. I have Vasculitis on my legs and feet and skin lesions on my arm and thigh and buttocks.

The lesions on my thigh and buttocks have not responded to anything I've topically put on: lavender/tea tree oil, MSM spray, Oregano oil, or baking soda... It is raised and red and seems to have bumps under the skin and is circular in shape... the ones on my arm are painful and itchy and have a white surface when scratched have a red painful sore that emerged.

I've had tremendous success however with the extreme amount of swelling I was experiencing for 5 years on my legs and feet with DIET! An all Vegan diet with plenty of fresh green juices... did the trick! But the skin problems are now plauging me.

I have successfully used MMS on my fungal issues (Bad ringworm a few years back) and I"m wondering if this is related to fungus somehow.????

Any advice would be appreciated... I have seen some mention of BORAX? How would I use that? Also Hydrogen Peroxide? I do take Baking soda 1/4 teas every morning with lemon juice and water. That feels great. I also take MSM for my skin and have been taking a Hanna Kroeger herb kit for viruses.... Plus JC tonic for overall stamina and immune system help... this seems to have helped get the swelling down more too.

Thanks for this site!


Replied by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/16/2013

I feel for you, I hate pain and confusion. I was encouraged by F. Batmanghelidj at the height of my dispair. He has a book called ABC of asthma, allergies and lupus.

Let me tell you my story to help you desire to read his book. I was allergic to my neighbors flowers so I get them and after 10-20 minutes put them on the porch outside, to avoid migraine headache.

So I am reading his water book and following HIS COUNSEL TO STOP HISTAMINE PRODUCTION and I can't smell the flowers and think they are faulty.

Next day my hydration system is out of balance from not following counsel properly and had to put the flowers to the outside porch to avoid bad headache.

I hope you get the chance to read his work and get free from your pain and suffering


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