Remedies to Dissolve Breast Calcifications

Posted By Pearldrop (Nc) on 08/03/2017

Magnesium, ACV, K2/d3 to dissolve Calcifications? how long and how much?

Hi, I have calcifications in my breast, it has been said this is normal and to not worry, but seems to me if they are in my breast they are everywhere in my body no?.. There is one small cluster up near under my arm that they are monitoring as suspiscious, (I also had a breast reduction ten years ago so it is possible I suppose that that cluster is from that).. However I want to do whatever I can to dissolve these things, .. I really have grown weary of the traditional medical community and their lack of desire to get to the root causes. I have cut out all of my sugar and refined carbohydrates,

Begun taking chelated Magnesium supplements (what is directed on the bottle)and a squirt or two of magnesium oil on the area they are monitoring, a D3/K2 supplement and I put a capful of Braggs vinegar in my water a day...

My questions are, should I be taking MORE than this? I will be having another mammogram in about a week, how long would it take to start seeing a difference... I would love nothing more than to go in there and have them suprised by a reduction in calcifications... and IF the cluster they are monitoring is precancerous, will this protocol help with that as well? .. any advise is much appreciated.


Replied by Steve (Nv) on 08/04/2017

Check iodoral and DMSO. Both can reduce calcifications and fibroid tissue as well.

Replied by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 08/12/2017

I would suggest you research on the net for breasts and iodine deficiency. If you do supplement with iodine, there are protocols to follow, one here on Earth Clinic, most based on Dr Brownstein's and Lynn Farrow's books.
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