Remedies No Longer Helping Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding, Help!

Posted By Grace (Norwalk, Ct ) on 11/19/2016

Dear Earth Clinic,

Please help, nothing seems to help me to stop my bleeding, it's nonstop. I always had heavy and painful periods ( no more pain today). I have tried everything: Blackstrap Molasses and acv, shepherd purse, cayenne

I'm 47, I started having irregular bleedings 3 years ago, after miscarriage. Acv and molasses helped for about a year. I have changed my diet, no coffe, dairy, no sugar, I always been a healthy person ( runner).

I have 4 small ( 6cmm biggest) uterine fibroids, which my gyno said they didn't grow since 3 years ago. I've had biopsy done for cancer and endometriosis -negative. My regular checkup showed elevated sugar and low count of white blood cells

( I took a lot of Blackstrap Molasses all day before the tests bc I was heavy bleeding)

I don't know what to do anymore. I was taking 1 tbs of each Apple Cider Vinegar and bsm, 2 to 3 times per day or even more sometimes with cayenne powder

I'm Eastern European, my oldest sister Margret also had very heavy bleeding,



Replied by Janet (In) on 11/19/2016

Grace. This is something I experienced at about the same age. The Dr put me on estrogen which was the wrong thing for me. Adding estrogen can be counter to good heath. There is so much in our environment it undoes your health.

This is what I do now. I bought progesterone cream not wild yam. I apply 2 or 3 x a week to my upper body.

I take 25mg of pregnenolone those days.

I paint a 2 inch square of lugols 5% iodine on my foot before bedi take black cohash capsule in morning.

Skip these a few days before period then restart when it is over. For 20 days. But at the beginning you need these to normalize. So you take them until you get normal then break it up. The beauty of this is very little to no menopause!

I apply magnesium oil to a large portion of my body in the evening. At least the bottom of my feet.

I take 500mg of l tyrosine 1 or 2x a day. To facilitate the iodine absorption

I avoid these foods. Msg food preservative. Aspertame. Gluten or all grains if possible. Sugar. All vegatable oils. Use coconut oil or real butter only for eating and cooking. No GMOS.

I eat as clean as I can. Organic and no prepared foods. I soak most veggies and meats in a 25% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Borax 1/8 tsp in 1 liter of water 4 days out of seven. This helps remove fluoride. Fluoride is deadly and destroys hormone balance. This alone can calm down and normalize your body. But avoiding estrogen is important too it is in conventionally farmed food and meats and our water. So the borax will help control it.

Soak in a tub with fish tank dechlorinator. 2 cups epsom 1 cup of borax. A drop or 2 of lavender oil. Helps the healing begin. A cup of hydrogen peroxide normalizes circulation.

You can try to avoid excess calcium it is in everything from cereal to milk. Excess calcium can destroy your circulation. Calcium shells in blood hide mycoplasma and virus to further bring you down.

I balanced mine by taking 10,000 iu of vitamin d3 in the am. Mine comes in coconut oil. 200 mcg of selenium yeast. 200mg of vitamin k2. 250 mg magnesium gluconate 2x a day.

The most healing and relief and the very first thing is to get your body alkaline and help remove excess calcium from you system. I alternate 2x a day. Either 2 tbsp aple cider vinegar or 1 whole lime squeezed in a glass. To either one I add 1/2 tsp of baking soda let fizz add 1/2 glass of water. Drink 2x a day 1/2 hour after food. 5 days out of 7.

This normalizes blood, alkalinity, blood flow, viscocity, helps with pain. Improves sleep. Improves over all health. Stops some pain.

Clean your liver. 2 tbsp of sunflower lecithin. I stir mine into carrot juice with 1/4 tsp of cilantro 2x a week. Fixes a fatty liver the cilantro removes heavy metals aquired over a lifetime.

Avoid all plastics containers bags and register reciepts as they are full of estrogen. Avoid aluminum containers kitchen utensils. Use glass, stainless, parchment. Buy product that are packaged healthy as much as you can. Janet

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Replied by Mama To Many (Tn) on 11/19/2016

Dear Grace,

Well that is discouraging! You have been so faithful in treating and are not having results!

My guess is that the miscarriage threw off your hormones and they are still out of whack.

You might look in to natural progesterone cream. I used it myself for a season to get my hormones rebalanced and it worked. (I was bleeding every two weeks.)

Alternately, you could try Dr. Shulz's Ladies Formula, which is an herbal way to balance your hormones.

Nettle tea would also be nourishing in many ways.

Have you had any blood work done? Sometimes that can help bring clarity to the missing link in a health issue.

~Mama to Many~

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Replied by Isabel (Tampa) on 11/20/2016

Use 2 pills of cayenne every 2 hours. Make sure you check your progress, otherwise your period will disappear until the next month. It never fails.

Replied by Mary (Georgia) on 11/20/2016

I was having the same problem. I saw a recipe about mami. I made it and noticed that my cycle suddenly stopped. I was shocked. Maybe it was alkalizing my body. I don't know whether it was the cabbage, garlic, onion, carrots, the egg noodles or a combination of them all. But my cycle finally went away. So now I make sure that I eat the mami at least twice a week. My cycle has been normal every since. I am so happy. I had tried everything. I thought that it was my new way of life. So glad it wasn't.
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Replied by Harry (Los Angeles) on 01/15/2017

I second everything Janet wrote. Your heavy, painful periods and your cysts both point to an iodine deficiency, something you probably have in common with 90-95% of American women.

However, let me just add a few things... First, I urge you to educate yourself about iodine before beginning to take it so that you don't neglect to take the other nutrients you need to absorb it, including organic selenium, magnesium, and zinc. Also, you need to be prepared for the die-off symptoms so that they don't scare you away from continuing to take it. They're just a necessary part of the healing process.

For more on iodine, I would recommend watching some YouTube videos on iodine from Dr. Brownstein, reading the posts on EarthClinic from others about their experiences with iodine, and then supplementing with iodine religiously. If I concluded that I was iodine deficient, I would then do as Dr. Brownstein suggests and try to work up to a total daily dose of at least 50 mg per day for at least several months, and probably for the rest of my life. VERY IMPORTANT: Be sure to take the supplemental minerals he recommends along with the iodine -- especially selenium and magnesium. Specifically, as I recall, one doctor on YouTube says that failing to get enough selenium with your iodine can lead to Hashimoto's Disease.

What form of iodine is best? I don't know. However, despite the very good reviews given to nascent iodine and my respect for Edgar Cayce who I understand gave the formula for Atomidine in one of his readings and recommended it many times thereafter, I think I would use either the old tried and true Lugol's (I prefer 5%) or Iodoral (which, as I recall, is Dr. Brownstein's choice).

Whichever form you take, if you are iodine deficient (as the vast majority of us are), you'll probably experience an uncomfortable and potentially severe reaction as the iodine displaces the bromine, chlorine, and fluorine that your body has absorbed in its stead. To reduce that reaction, you can spread out the iodine into at least four or five doses, preferably more. Also, I gather that there's much less detox associated with iodine that's absorbed through your skin, although I also gather that 20% or less of the iodine you paint on your skin winds up getting absorbed.

That said, it's just a fact of life that detox symptoms are usually unavoidable. I recommend preparing yourself for them by educating yourselves about them and doing things to minimize them, but don't let them dissuade you from your healing path. In all likelihood, the worse those symptoms are, the more you need the iodine.

Also, study, study, study, study, and study some more. As you do, you'll be able to improve your protocol(s), reduce your inevitable mistakes, connect dots that confirm or refute your latest conclusions, stick with it through the inevitable healing crises, and thereby achieve the best possible state of health in the least possible time.

And piggybacking on Janet's comment again, I understand that other causes for estrogen dominance are dietary and environmental, in which case avoiding high estrogen foods, canned foods, plastic, and many other sources as well as eating more cruciferous vegetables should be part of the solution as well. There again, as with iodine, I think the issue is very important, but not simple. So educating yourself about it becomes an essential key to eliminating the estrogen issue and keeping it eliminated.

Finally, as I recall from reading the posts on Blackstrap Molasses, multiple contributors suggested that posters not getting results from taking it or who experienced negative side effects were probably taking it wrong — by not spreading it out sufficiently/taking too much at once. Perhaps it's worth experimenting with it by taking less or sipping it very slowly throughout the day.

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