Remedies needed to treat large keloid on back of head

Posted By Whispher 7777 (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 01/19/2015

I have a keloid that has been growing in the back of my head in my hair area. I'm not really sure what causes it to grow, I'm thinking from my hair cuts. I've tried alcohol to witch hazel, to tea tre oil on the back of the raised up keloid. Over the last year and a half I watched this keloid grow from a mere bump, that was eaisly hidden by my hair to this large pink raised up bump. It's very embarassing, I try so hard to hide it when I'm out at work and in the public view. I have been reading about the ACV solution and I'm very curious to try it. However I have yet to read if anyone else has had a keloid in the back of the head. If some could reach out to me I would be ever greatful.

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