Remedies needed for high heart rate

Posted By Mac (India) on 09/26/2014

Hi I am suffering high heart rate for last 6 years, I have been to several doctors and done all tests related to heart but nothing comes out. I stopped all medicines and move to homeopathy but the results are same. Butafter reading the article on this website I got some hope. Actually when I told the doctor my heart triggers after eating food, they didn't take it serious. Hey say it's gastric and which makes you think you have problem in heart so your heart triggers. Even if I have to go to doctor my heart is on I read above that gastric has connections with heart rate and I Have also read that can be because of lack in potassium and magnesium. I am unable to understand what I need to take and do to come over this problem. This problem has taken all my happiness of life, pls help me to win over it, pls tell me in brief what I need to do.

Replied by Gail (New York) on 09/26/2014

Hi, I am not really sure what to say but the one thing I would never do without is magnesium .. It has def. helped me with my palpitations.. I take about 900 miligrams a day of magnesium citrate.. That could also clean out your bowels if you have a stomach distress... YOu can get the citrate you drink or the magnesium oil and spray it on your skin... You can also make your own by buying magnesium flakes although I have never done that.. I would also look into sea salts.. have you tried Hawthorn, motherwort....I would cut out carbs and sugar and drink a lot of water.also exercise..., rebounding

Hope others give better info...


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