Remedies needed for breathing issues

Posted By Kathy (Oklahoma, US) on 09/17/2014

First of all, I love this site! I have breathing issues that hopefully someone can help me with. I have read on someone's post that "Clear Lungs" is good to use, but also seen hp, mullein tea and so many other remedies to try. My problem is breathing, I have no other symptons, no coughing or hacking, just breathing, sometimes just walking across the room leaves me breathless, so please any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am a 62 yr old female smoker, thank you again.

Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/18/2014

Dear Kathy,

Personally, I like to go with the easiest and cheapest solutions first. I would first consider the mullein tea and hydrogen peroxide (Bill Munroe's inhalation method or a nebulizer to dispense it - we use 5 drops 3% hp plus 35 drops distilled water in a nebulizer.)

I know people that use and like Clearlungs but it is more expensive. However, if it isn't financially prohibitive for you, and you would be more likely to take the capsules than use a nebulizer and make tea, it might make more sense to try clearlungs.

Whatever you do, let us know what you try and how it goes for you!

~Mama to Many~


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