Seeking Advice for Undiagnosed Skin Rash - Very Complicated

Posted By Jaras (Beloit, Wi) on 08/16/2017

It started about three years ago as just one or two sores appearing and then going away on their own. Approximately 3 mos. later, additional sores popped up, but this time there were more. These would also go away on their own. Then again, a few months later, sores reappeared; but always multiplied, & always months later. They started on my chest and face, gradually moving to my hands arms and legs. Now they appear on the back of my legs, my back (places I can't even reach) the back of my neck, and my shoulders. Some itched, and occasionally, I would feel crawling sensations.

After years of this on and off rash situation, I started digging online & found a few possibilities of what might be going on. I went in to be checked for scabies, and though the scrape test was negative, I was treated for them, anyway. The entire house what is disinfected, including bedding, doorhandles, floors etc. We even got rid of furniture. About a year after this started, we moved to a new home. (This was not why. I can be an extremist, but that'd be going pretty far for a skin rash! ) We've been in the same home since.

I received a letter with the bad news that my primary care physician retired. But a terrible time for that to happen! Without a primary care physician, it's been extremely difficult getting into any type of specialist. The only option was to go into the emergency room or an urgent care until I could get a new primary care physician. Then wait for that was four months. So in the ER and urgent care, I was told that I was a "picker" once, that it was stress, it was anxiety, it was all in my head, or that they had no idea & that and ER or urgent care was not a place to be diagnosed. Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!

My almost 4 month wait to meet with a new primary care physician is close, thankfully! (Early October)

I was, however, lucky enough to get a dermatology appointment, (this coming week) through an urgent care physician who pushed for the soonest appointment possible. Yay! He was one of the few who actually saw how distraught I am l about all of this craziness. I was also prescribed a 10 day course of oral antibiotics the same day.

Unfortunately, the sores have taken over many areas of my body. They've actually become incredibly painful, sometimes itchy, and YUCK, very unsightly. I found that icing them helps a lot. We've purchased hundreds of dollars worth of the skin products (i.e. Zinc Oxide, Hydrocortisone, Lidocaine, Chlorhexidine Gluconate, Bacitracin, Neomycin, Polymyxin, Pramoxine, Silver gel, Zinc Acetate, wheat grass juice to take orally, I switched everything to fragrance/dye free including laundry and body soap, nitrile gloves to protect my hands & prevent any scratching at night, stopped using fluoride, switched to all bottled water, tried Castile soap (The soap's cooling sensation felt great on my skin.), and then there are the prescribed medications I've been given. Some of them include oral steroids, rx strength topical steroids, and antibiotics. After the first 10 day antibiotic treatment, my skin rash & the pain finally subsided to the point where things started healing.

It's been three days since that 1st antibiotic treatment ended, and things were starting up again yesterday. I'm not even completely healed from the last super long bout of this "whatever-it-is" thing!

After, what seemed to be, a successful dental appointment yesterday, it was determined that the one mercury silver filling I have (it's 30 yrs old) is broken and probably leaking. I was given another round of antibiotics, started last night, and referred to an orthodontist for removal of the filling, a root canal, & then a permanent cap placed. Today I feel as if things are in control again. I'm wondering if it's the antibiotics?

My husband and I have done some research online, cautiously, and there were stories of people, mostly women in my age range (40s), who've also had leaking mercury fillings and who've also had similar issues to mine.

Morgellons Disease (disorder?) was something that came up over and over again while doing internet searching. I've lsaved samples of things that have come out of my sores and put them in a plastic baggie. I've looked at them later and have seen what appears to be tiny thread-like bundles (most of mine are all white, tho I've seen a couple blue or red here & there.)

Someone recommended rubbing raw garlic on the sores. When he did it, little white things would pop out of his sores and he would pull them out with tweezers. I did more research and something about Borellia came up, which is like a larvae, I believe. I did take a sample to one of my emergency room visits and the doctor told me that that Borellia cannot be seen by the naked eye. He was 100% certain that this was not it. However, other people have said they can sometimes pull out little white worm-like things from their sores after by doing things like using hot water, the garlic, or Teatree oil.

I've seen something similar coming from my sores, as well. But since taking the antibiotics, I still have sores, but nothing coming out of them.

Others have said that I could have mercury poisoning, that my body was pushing toxins out, causing the sores. (Supposedly collagen & kerotin?)

Throughout this incredibly bizarre experience with my skin and this rash, I've had many different things happen to me. I've seen different things, different types of sores all on this one same body. I've lost weight (123 lbs at 5'8"), I've had to stay in my house because of the embarrassment of my skin, & have not been able to keep a normal sleep pattern. (Even staying up 2 to 3 nights in a row; no drugs no alcohol.)

I was tested for Lymes Disease. That came back negative. I've not yet received the pathology report from the emergency room of the samples brought in. It's been quite awhile. Should I call them?

If anyone out there can offer any information, input, suggestions, doctors, ANYTHING, or if you went through/are going through the same thing or similar, please reply!


Replied by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 08/17/2017

I had acne into my late fifties . The boil cysts type. I have learned from much search online and reading of library books that my body is overwhelmed by many things from being weak. Digestion is my main issue. That can mean many things that can overwhelm someone searching. Recently I like to watch Eric Berg you tube videos on many topics . He ruined his health in college studying to become a chiropractor and had to study study study to get his life back and now he teaches. I don't use his products but his information is deeper than most that I have studied.

I detox with activated charcoal at bedtime 2-4 capsules with 16 ounces of water . Then I use 1/4 cup kefir in the morning to get my gut health back on track . I drink Apple cider vinegar 1 TBSP with some honey in 16 oz. water first thing and then I drink water throughout the day. Milk thistle to detox my liver during the day and Alpha lipoic acid for my immune system. I never let my gut get stuck. I take walmart brand of colace if my bowels aren't moving once a day. I take magnesium citrate and vit D-3 with K-2. That is a good place to start. Coconut oil is also amazing but if you use it start slow( 1/2 tsp) it heals and detoxes from teeth to rectum. How well are you sleeping? Valerian root is very relaxing. Hope you find some answers to our questions. more information you might be able to use ...

also the root canal coverup book on how dental work can destroy our health

Love, Charity

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Replied by Rsw (Oh) on 08/17/2017

I just happened to read this in a site called "Doctor, " and it may be helpful to you. It tells of a woman who had skin lesions that eight dermatologists were unable to diagnose, and ended up telling her it was her own fault for scratching herself! From the article, "Fire Your Doctor, "below:

"However, within a few weeks after starting the correct B-vitamin program, she was on the road to recovery and back at work. She had been suffering from a rare form of subclinical pellagra-like lesions and only vitamin B-3 could have been, and was, helpful." It would be easy enough to try.

Best wishes!

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Replied by Lucy (Usa) on 08/18/2017

Look into a product called flora pm (not the cream). I have heard it works for this type of parasitic infestation. I have read that garlic baths can help, too. I am so sorry for what you are going through.
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