Remedies Requested for Shortness of Breath

Posted By Elena (St. Charles, Illinois) on 03/02/2018

I have experienced shortness of breath for years but lately, it's getting worse and I can't sleep at night. I'm alright during the day or at least I don't notice it as much. I only occasionally catch a deep breath. A doctor told me many years ago that I was allergic to planet earth so I don't know if this shortness of breath is due to allergies or something more serious. I am an athlete and I have no other symptoms. What do you suggest as I sit here awake at 4:00 am.

Replied by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 03/03/2018

this help helped me years ago. Histamine is a signal from your body that your water and mineral system(electrolytes ) are out of balance. Most allergies are caused from histamine and people take an anti histamine which masks the problem. Digestion issues can also cause shortness of breath. I use kefir in the daytime hours, start with a tbsp at a time and wait to be sure you are not bloating from it fighting bad bacteria in your gut. Activated charcoal tablets with 16 oz of water at bedtime might help you . If it's msg problem use some L- taurine to displace it out of your organs. If it's liver issue then use some milk thistle. I had a lot of targets to aim at before I hit my current stride.
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Replied by Cayenne (Pepper) on 03/04/2018

I get shortness of breath occasionally. It seems to be caused by certain foods and soaps. It starts with shortness of breath and gradually becomes a migrain. Sometimes I get a burning feeling in my stomach, too. Sipping on a mug of hot water or tea with cayenne pepper powder in it helps ( I use 1/2 to 1 tsp. Cayenne). It works within minutes. Also avoiding soap and certain foods (wheat, milk - even organic brands) works. I now use vinegar, baking soda, or borax for washing. I wash my hair with a certain unscented more natural brand of dish soap. I put just a bit in an empty dish soap bottle and add water and a teaspoon or so of borax to dilute it and make it work better. I put conditioner on just the ends of my hair. Try a tablespoon of spirulina or activated charcoal in a glass of water, too. Try a dropper of Lugol's iodine or a few teaspoons of colloidal silver in a glass of water on an empty stomach. Sometimes it's like my thoughts won't shut up and let me sleep and that works for that, too. Hope that helps.
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