What Can Help Severe Hair Loss From Black Mold Exposure?

Posted By Martha (Gonsalves) on 02/22/2016

I have read and received much great information how to treat "black mold" for which I am very grateful. But what I really need information on, if it is possible and have not yet heard it addressed, (except for the request re: hair loss from Zack from Melbourne, Australia), is HOW TO TREAT HAIR LOSS FROM BLACK MOLD? I realized this could be complex with so many varying factors.

I lived in an apartment in New York for 16 years with severe black mold. It is now almost 20 years that I am living with mold in my body. I first begin to experience skin problems mainly on my right side and across my breast, darkened nails on my right side and a fungus odor under my breast, respiratory problems. and more. But what is most troubling is that I have experience hair loss, almost 95% and ongoing. I did notice a mole developing my my right side, just above my ear and has continued to grow for many years. I thought and was told it was a mole but I really believe it is a mold growth. The biopysies taken was not for mold. I still do not have an answer but believe all of my symptoms are from that black mold I lived with for so long -- moved out in 2011 because of fire.

My question is, with all of the recommendations given by so many kind and helpful people, how can I use any of them to treat my hair? Would the internal treatments stop the hair loss? Is there another method to stop the hair loss. Can I use the oils? How much? Can I wash my hair in borax, How much. Can I wash my hair in a little ammonia, how much? These are some of my questions. I would appreciate any suggestions and what to avoid.

Thank you!!!


Replied by Ben (Bremerton, Washington ) on 02/28/2016

About black mold... Did you know it is the second most carcinogenic substance on earth? Only plutonium is more carcingenic. The hair loss is but a symptom of internal problems. Most likely your body is very toxic. Time to see a naturopath and get tested. Your exposure to black mold put you at very high risk for cancer. Be sure to get frequently checked out. In addition to tests, your doctor may order your blood should be tested for fungal toxins.

Several new testing methods should be used too. One is called a thermography exam. A baseline is created mapping your entire body looking for hot spots. Cancer can be detected as small as a grain of rice many years before outdated methods like mammography could detect a tumor.

Another method that can give you an early warning is the Nagalase test. This test looks for the presence of an immune system deactivator and destabilizer called Nagalase. Cancer cells produce this enzyme as a survival mechanism and its presence can detect cancer (or certain virus).

A revolutionary breakthrough in cancer treatment is the creation of a molecule called GcMAF. This stuff counteracts the Nagalase and turns on the immune system to fight off the cancer. GcMAF is like sounding the bugle to the marine corps saying time to attack and destroy the invading cancer cells.

Black mold like all fungus hates plant based essential oils with a passion. Tea tree oil wipes it out. If you ever get mold headaches put a large amount of tea tree oil on the back of your neck and head, being careful to avoid eye contact since it burns tender skin. As for internal toxicity to black mold, borax is a good fungal defense. See the borax conspiracy by Walter Last for a real good article.

One last thing, google biotin deficiency. Gut bacteria make biotin a necessary element for hair growth. A deficiency of biotin can make your hair fall out easily.

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