Remedies for Plaque Psoriasis

Posted By Holly (Boston) on 12/23/2020

Hi my sister has plaque psoriasis which MD called it rheumatic psoriasis. Could you please tell me the newest lotion you created for this condition, and the supplements.

Thank you.


Replied by Madelyn (Idaho) on 12/25/2020

Hi Holly,

Your sister shouldn’t need any special lotion if she takes enough vitamin D. Many people have been successful in completely eliminating psoriasis (all types) using high dose vitamin D, along with its co-nutrients (vitamin K, magnesium, boron, zinc) and a healthy diet. If it were me, I would eliminate all wheat, dairy, and eggs for 6 months. Gradually test each food again, 1 at a time, after eliminating for 6 months. For more information about healing with vitamin D please check out the work of Jeff Bowles. He’s got ebooks available and a lot of free info on his site. Best of luck!

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Replied by Art (California) on 12/25/2020

Hi Holly,

The "rheumatic psoriasis" that your sister's doctor called it, is the same as psoriatic arthritis (PA) and she has plaque psoriasis. I have psoriatic arthritis and it was very debilitating and painful until I started using Ted's borax remedy for arthritis. It has been in remission for well over 12 years since starting on borax. Ted's recommended dose for women is 1/8th teaspoon of borax in a liter of water. He recommends taking one of these Monday ~Thursday and then taking Friday~Sunday off.

It is important for your sister to take steps to control the PA because it is a very destructive form of arthritis and absolutely needs to be controlled through meds or alternatives.

For the plaque psoriasis, I have a post coming out soon on EC that explains one method to control the plaque psoriasis.


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