Seeking Remedies for Husband With Lung and Liver Cancer

Posted By Sb (Usa) on 02/27/2016

Good morning, I happened to visit your website. After I read through, I wanted to take a chance to write for any advices that you can help.

I have a husband who is having serious health issues. He was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis and cancer in 2013 and was able to receive a liver transplant in 2014. After good 6-7 months, his liver started to fail and he was found out with lung cancer which was transferred from liver cancer cells. He could not be a candidate for re-transplant because his complication and extreme weight loss. He was dismissed from the hospital which they said they had nothing to do for him. He then was set up with hospice care in early 2015.

Thank goodness of Jesus, my husband was able to make this far even though he had emergency situations. He now sees his hepatologist time to time. He is on Gabapentin, lactulose, nexavar, zortress, prednisone, spironolactone, multivitamins and magnesium.


Replied by Ben Gauthier (Bremerton, Washington ) on 02/27/2016

This is very serious, the condition your husband is in is called cachexia. the body is breaking down to feed the cancer. The only known method of reversing that effectively is with a chemical the Russians came up with called hydrazine sulfate. This blocks the cancers ability to break down tissue to feed its self. You can read about this on cancer

At this point your husband needs expert care. Best place to go is Mexico they are rated at number 3 on the planet in cancer care. The United states lags far behind the rest of the world at number 43.

What he eats is of extreme importance. follow the "Gerson therapy " diet with exactness and watch the video titled "the Gerson miracle " or another great one titled "Dying to Have Known" he can not eat cancer causing foods and expect to live.

Many of the foods we eat on a constant basis are deadly. Modified food starch has been added to nearly every type of food imaginable. It is extraordinarily carcinogenic. It causes cancer to accelerate to phenomenal speed of progression. when cancer cells get glutamate as from MSG, aspartame or modified food starch whey grow psuedopodia, octopus like tentacles which help them metastasize into nearby tissue. This is one of the bear traps in our food supply.

I recommend checking out Oasis of Hope hospital in Tijuana, Mexico, Chipsa hospital in Tijuana or my favorite, Sanoviv Health Institute 20 miles south in Rosarito . Oasis of Hope has one of the world's foremost cancer experts running the hospital. Dr Contreras is a legend in the alternative health world. He and his father have been healing advanced cancers for more than 50 years. He would have the best chance of survival in his hands, second only to God.

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Replied by Rsw (Oh) on 02/27/2016

Hi Ben,

I had read that modified potato starch or very green bananas contain something that feeds the good bacteria in the intestines. The potato starch is mixed with water and taken like that. Do you know if this is true or is this the same thing that grows tentacles? Thanks for your understanding of this and for bringing this information to us.


Replied by Ben (Bremerton Washington ) on 02/27/2016

Regarding your question about modified potato starch. There are many forms of modified starch and they are all dangerous. The "modification"of a starch frees the amino acid bonds from the selected type of starch allowing free glutamic acid to exist. Cancer cells lick their chops when they get that since they have an abundance of glutamate receptors on them.

If you eat out at a restaurant chances are you get a big dose of modified food starch or MSG with your meal. Curcumin or turmeric blocks glutamate receptor sites on cancer cells to a degree therefore its a good thing to take frequently.

Now while I am on a subject of glutamate receptors on cancer cells, please allow me to jump to another subject. Those glutamate receptors that are so abundant on cancer cells can be used to their DISADVANTAGE. The way that happens is by transporting into the cancer cells by way of the glutamate receptors a chemical cancer cells dont like, a form of vitamin C called dehydroascorbic acid DHAA for short. Everybody knows about good old ascorbic acid but almost no one ever heard about its cousin DHAA. Actually DHAA is an oxidized form of vitamin C and the body recycles vitamin C over and over again trying to conserve it if possible. Well, ascorbic acid is poorly transported and is NOT taken into cancer cells very well but DHAA is much more easily transported into cancer cells by way of the glutamate receptor sites. It's like trick or treat for cancer cells, they open up and get tricked with DHAA form of vitamin C.

Best time to take vitamin C and DHAA is when you are hungry then the cancer cells will try to receive nourishment and get vitamin C instead.

Replied by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 02/28/2016

HI U BEN, , , , , , , , , , , , you just got a love from me. This is a very informative post and you got my attention.

I research constantly as I too have cancer that I'm addressing myself, but you are far more informed than me. How did you gain all this knowledge?

I know the U S is the pits when it comes to cancer treatment, but never expected it to be as low as you say. Keep posting as 6 loves is the most I have seen on this site. You hit a hot spot for certain.


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Replied by Ben (Bremerton Washington ) on 02/28/2016

You are so very kind, thank you and hugs to you too! As for me the school of hard knocks teaches well. My mom got cancer in 1984. Doctors said sorry nothing we can do. I then got real motivated to study like crazy. Mom died 9 months later of a cancer that right now would be child's play to cure. I have been studying ever since. I have read more than 200 books and spent way more than 10 thousand plus hours on the internet reading dry boring medical reports till 3 am.

I again got revved up in study after I got cancer myself. I was living in a house with a leaky roof which got super contaminated with black mold, the second most cancer causing substance known. (only plutonium is worse than mold ). Well, once you have a cancer you then get wised up or you go the way of all the earth,

Today it's my thing in life to help as many people as will listen. The bible tells us that in the last days men won't be able to receive sound doctrine. Unfortunately that is true. Some hear truth and immediately know it while others only hear drug company lectures.

I never get tired of helping . :D

Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 02/28/2016

Hello Ben;

I love reading your very informative posts. Please keep it up.

In reading how DHAA works as a kind of "poison pill" does IP-6 work in the same way? Do you have an opinion on taking IP-6 with DHAA?

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Replied by Ben (Bremerton, Washington) on 02/28/2016

Yes, you can safely take both DHAA and ip-6 together. What you don't want to take with it is any supplement with iron. Ip-6 is an iron binding substance. It tries to make iron unavailable for the tumor. A fast growing tumor has a voracious appetite for iron. Eating meat or taking supplements with iron help the tumor grow faster. This is why naturopaths say no meat, and no dairy to cancer patients. Milk has both iron and one other thing you definitely don't want igf-1.

If you are a baby igf-1 is great, it is just what you want. It takes your tiny body and turns it huge in a very short time. It does the same to cancer cells too. Insulin like growth factor 1 is a cancer cells best friend. Igf-1 turns cancer cells immortal. It prevents them from dying thru apoptosis the normal route of programmed cell death. Cancer treatment first and foremost begins with diet. It is practically unheard of that a cancer patient gets better while eating wrong food choices, it just does not work that way. The more serious the cancer the more serious the diet needs to be. Charlotte Gerson has the best advice concerning diet. Watch her videos on youtube you will learn a lot. A great video is "The Gerson mMiracle" another one I like is "Dying to Have Known".

See ya

Replied by Art (California ) on 02/28/2016

It seems like I remember Ted and Bill posting a simple way to make DHAA a year or two ago.......I'll have to go back and look or maybe Bill can post it again if that is correct.

Here is a youtube video showing another way to make it.


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Replied by Timh (Ky) on 02/29/2016

From what little I know of DHAA, the reduced form of Vit-C, This redux/oxidant cycle is agonized by other or most antioxidant in the body. The higher the number of natural antioxidants like Superoxide Dismutase, Catalase, Methionine Reductase, Glutathione Peroxidase, and food source antioxidants like Vit-A & E, Carotinoids, Flavinoids, and even Coenzymes like NADH, CoQ10 all compliment each other and extend their lifespan.
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Replied by Art (California ) on 02/28/2016

I found an old post of Bill's showing a method for making DHAA only he refers to it as DHA.


Fri, 26 Dec 14 20:48:31 -0500Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 12/26/2014Hi Jake...Vitamin C is useful and I also use it in my own protocols against candida. Ordinary Vitamin C -- ascorbic acid -- is also useful for detoxing but best used to bowel tolerance strength and that's because vitamin c is so poorly absorbed into the body from the gut. Only about 15% to 20% of oral vitamin c(in either ascorbate or ascorbic acid forms) is absorbed into the blood. So this is quite an inefficient and wasteful way to take vitamin c.Other more efficient ways of supplementing vitamin are as follows:* By IV as ascorbate
* Lyphosomal Vitamin C
* Vitamin C(as ascorbate) + DMSO used transdermaly
* Oral or transdermal dehydroascorbic acid(DHA)Most people already know all about taking the the oral, IV and Lyphosomal forms of vitamin c. But taking it as DHA is interesting. The DHA form, when taken orally, is absorbed from the gut into the blood much more efficiently and quickly than with the ordinary oral form. DHA is also easily absorbed into the cells because it is a glucose mimic. It takes a different pathway from the gut into the blood and this is called the GLUT-1 pathway. The body thinks the DHA is glucose and will therefore absorb much larger amounts of DHA more easily into the blood and cells. And if you starve your body of glucose -- as in IPT therapy -- then this will sensitize the GLUT-1 receptors more which will then absorb even higher amounts of DHA into the cells. Another unique advantage of DHA is that it is easily absorbed across the blood/brain and blood/bone barriers whereas this is not the case for ordinary vitamin c. The only problem with the DHA form is that it seems to be more expensive than the ordinary oral vitamin c form.If you want a cheap and cheerful way to orally supplement DHA then, as Ted from Bangkok recommends, all you need is lugols iodine, Baking Soda(Arm & Hammer is fine to use), Ascorbic acid and a glass of water. First add 1/4 tspn of ascorbic acid(1 gram) to the water. Then add 6 drops of LI. You will notice that the iodine in the water turns from brown to clear and that's because the ascorbic acid is oxidized and converted to DHA while the molecular iodine is reduced to clear iodide. The last thing you add is the baking soda -- add this until the fizzing stops. Now you have an oral solution of sodium ascorbate + iodide + DHA in ascorbate form. Cheaper, convenient and effective.Another useful way to take vitamin c(as ascorbate) is transdermally using DMSO and water(70% DMSO + 30% water by volume). To this ascorbate/DMSO mixture just add 6 drops of iodine. This creates some DHA in the mix. Therefore, when you paint your skin with this mixture, the DMSO will efficiently carry about 80% of the Vit C + DHA + iodide directly into the blood. This simple transdermal method also has the other advantage of not causing any problems or ructions in the gut because you're not taking it orally.

Concerning candida and detox I would take something like Vitamin C, Sodium Thiosulfate or EDTA for detoxing the blood and organs but I would also make sure to take chlorella for purely intestinal detox. Dr William Kelly verified in his writings that chlorella contains large molecules called alginates. These large molecules, after they bind to heavy metals in the gut, cannot be absorbed or redistributed into the blood from the colon because alginate is such a huge molecule -- that's why alginates can only remove heavy metals in the gut. With the other forms -- Vitamin C, Sodium Thiosulfate etc that act in the blood -- their will always be some redistribution of heavy metals in the body. So that's one very good reason to use chlorella for gut detox -- especially when you have candida because candida biofilms in the gut contain such high amounts of heavy metals. So when you destroy alot of candida biofilms using turpentine then you must take the chlorella 1/2 hr to 1 hr after the turps to mop up and neutralize all the heavy metals released from biofilm destruction. if you don't mop up these heavy metals in the gut promptly and appropriately then they will just get absorbed into the blood via the colon to cause all manner of physical, mental and other symptoms and problems.

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Replied by Ben (Bremerton Washington ) on 03/01/2016

Thanks for that great article. Here is another one for you about liposomal vitamin c versus dhaa.

Both types of vitamin c are really good and liposomal vitamin c is real easy to make at home for pennies. Youtube has many good videos on how to make liposomal vitamin c. Many of the top vitamin c doctors love liposomal as it absorbs in a manner that bypasses the bowel and goes straight into the cells. You can get very high blood levels of liposomal vitamin c that are equal to intravenous vitamin c in the range where tumors shrink and virus disappears. This is impossible with simple ascorbic acid, bowel limits create diarrhea before the vitamin c levels reach viricidal or tumoricidal levels. Do you know much about liposomal technology? It's kinda a recent development in nutrient absorption routes. They take a substance then encapsulate it with fats that mimick those in the cell walls. The result is it gets absorbed super quick with very high efficency.

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Replied by Art (California ) on 03/01/2016

Bill wrote that on here over a year ago and Ted had mentioned it before that. I sure miss, Ted!

From the video I posted the other day, it seems like DHAA may be more bioavailable than liposomal vitamin c.

I did try making liposomal vitamin c with a cheap jewelry cleaner from Harbor Freight as seen on the internet , but the taste was just too bad for me to handle on a regular basis and after further reading I felt that the machine was just way too underpowered to produce real high quality liposomal vitamin C. I did have problems with keeping things in suspension for any length of seemed very hit or miss. On the other hand, Timh says he is able to make home made liposomal vitamin c and other liposmal formulations, so he might be the one to ask about it.


Replied by Janet (Indiana) on 03/01/2016

Art Thank You. Great Post! Yes, we all miss Ted. He saved our lives. Janet
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Replied by Timh (Ky) on 03/02/2016

Art: Concerning LET nutrition or Vit-C in particular, I try and keep it simple while others oftentimes go way out on scientific limbs for particulars that may not even be of importance.

First, be sure to use "pure" water. Distilled may be best. I use a standard carbon filter for tap water and fill gal jugs and also ozonize each jug for about 1 minute. Lately I have found adding a pinch of Sea Salt to the water for LET prior to introducing Ascorbic Acid.

You may also try a different brand of Lecithin. Most people are using non gmo Sunflower of which I have been using recently with good results. I usually sonicate for 3-4 minutes with a simple jewelry cleaner.

Maybe you have too much Vit-C per ratio of Lecithin making it to harsh for consumption?? Getting this corrected seems very worthwhile as the health benefits are worth the effort.


Replied by Art (California ) on 03/01/2016


I always think of Ted as the "Rock of Gibratar" for Earth Clinic! I miss him and hope he is able to return as his health improves! Best wishes to you Ted and better health ahead! There are a lot of great contributors and people at Earth Clinic, but Ted is a one of a kind!


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