Remedies for halitosis and fatigue

Posted By Curesearcher (New York, Ny, Us) on 10/31/2011

I have been following advice and posts on earthclinic with enthusiasm and can report to have achieved minor improvements to my condition following them.

I've researched a lot and am overwhelmed by the amount of information. In a nutshell though: I'm trying to find the underlying health issue causing my Halitosis. I am about to try various remedies but am afraid of harming myself doing so. My problem is finding my underlying issue: Your help is imensly appreciated.


I am 34 years old male caucasian, symptoms started since late childhood, intesnified in teen age: white coated tongue, bad breath, scalp psoriasis and minor fungus on one toenail, slighty slower digestion, fatigue, drowsyness, concentration problems. I assume they are all connected somehow? The most frustrating issues though is the bad breath because of its grave social implications. The odors emitted can be off all kinds, usually of body by products: urin, gas, fecal, sweat, wet dog etc.... My halitosis is not very grave generally but can get very intense at times. Stress, alcohol, food obviously worsens it but I have never been able to pin point it to one specific cause or causes. Surprizingly at times when I am living the healthiest, e. G. Eating and exercising it might actually get worse and vice versa. It is most definitely a huge problem for me socially and with work, trust me.

At the moment I believe my symptoms might be attributed to all of these below (or just one or none?):


My problem in pinpointing my illness is that I have symptoms of many of these ailments, but none severe enough to make it obvious. I want to try various remedies but don't want to harm myself doing so. And strangely enough I am healthy in other aspects: Digestion most of the time is regular with no problems, skins great, hair healthy (scalp psoriasis aside), physically active and I am overall very young looking for my age.

Most contradicting is the following: I've been on a multi enzyme with Betaine HCL 400mg for three days. I got burning sensation from it meaning I have enough stomach acid? PH is fine? So how can I have a coated tongue and BB then if digestions apparently fine?

Is it thyroid problem? I can eat very big quantities of high caloric foods with hardly any weight gain.

Also something that could be an indication: I look very young for my age and did so since my early teens and it took me very long to fully go into puberty. (my mom has minor thyroid issues) Thyroid deficiency?


(for the record I used to do Thera Breath, got antibiotics form BB doctor a year ago no result. Then cholrhexedine mouthwash that worked but chemicals! I got off it two weeks ago)

Usual routine: tongue scrape and tooth brush

Since two weeks:

ACV bicarb routine, OP with coconut oil in the morning, taking oil of oregano diluted in water and under tongue. Im taking Magnesium citrate, potassium citrate, B-complex, multivitamin.

Since one week:

7 day Detox program
No yeast carb diet.
Taking a pre/probiotic with anti yeast properties called 'Syntol' and a no carb/yeast diet based on protein and vegtables.

(I've had good results with these treatments so far even if the detox is exhausting. My tongue cleared up 40% but still generallywhite most in the back! )

Want to Start: Potassium Iodide ( Selenium & l-thyromine) and/or Niacin and/or Sodium Chlorite 28%.

I want to start/am trying all these various remedies but am afraid of harming myself doing so. My problem is finding my underlying issue.

Your advice is greatly appreciated, THX!


Replied by Answer (Middletown, Ky) on 10/31/2011

For you --- combine hydrogen peroxide, salt and baking soda into a paste. Place all ingredients into the CAP, or TOP, of the hydrogen peroxied bottle to mix easily... The small bottle top or cap is just really easy to use... Now take that paste, which shoud have the consistency of mashed potatoes, and use it to brush your teeth after your normal teeth brushing routine. The combination of Hydrogen peroxide, salt and baking soda creates and anti-bacterial, anti-gingivitis, and anti-halitosis environment. Utilize this remedy only twice a day, for a few days, and then as a permanent regimine, three days a week... For the remainder of your life... Trust me... This will erase any oral problems. Your gums will tingle, and perhaps turn a bit white, which will show you it's working. The tingling feels like a nice massage, once the amount of bacteria is dropped to a healthy level ...

As far as a diagnosis ... Many would say an iodine deficiency, which can be solved by applying iodine with a cotton ball, on the bottom of your feet... I know it sounds odd, but, it works to absorb the needed mineral... I purchased a small bottle of old-school iodine from Walmart, which works just fine ...

Also many would say you perhaps have a magnesium, or other mineral, deficiency --- grab some EPSOM salt from your local grocery store, usually next to the Hydrogen peroxide and iodine in the meds section --- and take a bath with the EPSOM salts for at least 30 minutes... The bath will enable your body to absorb the minerals from the EPSOM salt... This will ease stress, aches, pains, etc. , as it provides your body with needed stuff ...

Others would also advise drinking a bit of Apple Cider Vinegar available at local grocery stores, in a cup of water ... 2 tsps... Max... Twice a day, in a shot or cup of water... The Apple Cider Vinegar should be the organic sort, and not the heavily processed variety ...

Follow the aforementioned ... and report your results.


Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 11/01/2011

Cureresearcher, I think your main problem is candida or a fungal infection. Once your body is infected with candida you can't be healthy until it is cleared up.

Please read the article linked below. Dr. Orian Truss had much success in treating candida with an iodine protocol. Let us know how it works out for you.


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