Need Help for Wife's Chronic Anal Fissues

Posted By Gkp2016 (Virginia) on 11/17/2016

My wife has been suffering from Chronic Anal fissures since the last few months.We have used ointments like Anusol and licodine etc. These give temporary relief but the fissure keeps recurring at the same place over and over again.

The specialist recommended last time that a surgery might be needed for chronic fissure. We don't want to take that route because it might lead to other complications.

She has also made few adjustments to her diet by avoiding junk food like pizza and fried food.She also drinks plenty of water to keep her body hydrated. Also she has been applying parachute coconut oil (Indian brand) on the affected area since a week. The progress has been slow without much difference.

We are at our wit's end for a remedy and we would be really grateful for any suggestions in this matter.


Replied by Kt (Usa) on 11/18/2016

Dear Gkp2016,

What I had used topically was Vitamin A & D ointment that is available at pharmacies or some grocery stores. This ointment is a wonderful pain reducer.

For internal use you could try making a tea of 1/4 tsp. ginger and 1/4 tsp. turmeric in about 1/2 C warm water several times a day. They both reduce inflammation and ginger is a natural antibiotic.

Using plain, white unscented toilet paper and Witch Hazel is a must.


Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 11/18/2016

Gkp, while you are looking for the cause, to be able to eliminate the reason for this, you might want to try applying old fashioned A&D ointment.

Replied by Baldev (Maharashtra) on 11/18/2016

Hi Gkp2016,

Your wife is doing right by using coconut oil, along with it she has to take care of her diet. One of the reasons of this problem is constipation and therefore she has to avoid junk food and start adding some green leafy vegetables in her diet. Also she can start taking 1/2 to one tea spoon of Magnesium Sulphate/ Epsom salt dissolved in the water before going to bed every night. I am sure it will help her. Good luck.


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Replied by Sara (The Beach) on 11/19/2016

Hi, I just wanted to tell you what worked for me.

I applied a castor oil patch to the area for a week straight while I slept and fissures are gone. Caution - castor oil will stain so wear old pj's and protect bedding just in case. lso be sure to buy hexane free castor oil. All I did was buy large cotton make-up remover pads and saturated it with oil and wore underwear to keep in place. I hope this helps. I know how devastating this can be.


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Replied by Janet (In) on 11/19/2016

We have had these very issues, my Mom and myself. The cause can be so many things. Food..straining while going to the

The best overall remedy I have found is make a small bottle of castor oil add 1 or 2 drops of 5% lugols iodine. Apply with a paper towel or bath tissue. This protects and heals. Cleaning ..I make another bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar and water. Spray on and wipe gently. Buy the high end softest toilet paper for her.

I have had luck with chemical free pretreated wipes and keep a coffee can with lid lined with a small bag under the sink to use for this trash.

You can make them.

I roll of soft paper towels cut in half

Coffee can or wide jar or clean wipe container.

Put the towels in container fill 1/3 with clean mineral water.

Add 1/2 cup of acv.

2 tbsp of witch hazel

You can add 1 or 2 tbsp of milk of magnesia.

Glyserine can be added also.

Let the towels absorb this mix

Use for cleaning as it can be agonizing. Utilize Apple Cider Vinegar spray as needed. Wipe on the castor oil as the final step.

Causes we have found.

Allergy to chemicals in the plastics in underwear ..often where the elastic is.but the entire garment can be a problem. Same with pants.

Sitting with feet flat on floor. Google sqatty potty. That can help with cleaning effectively too. We did not buy one. We used a childs step stool.

Avoid all gluten. Even better all grains.

Ted's remedy of 2 tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar 1/2 tsp of baking soda let fizz add 1/2 glass of water. Take this 2x a day 1/2 hour after food. 5 days out of seven . This will really help as it corrects alkalinity, improves circulation. This also relieves pain. The benefits are endless. You can add an aspirin to dissolve in it. 325mg per 130 lbs adult weight. Optional.

My mom had them. After childbirth she was stitched due to some problems. They appeared between the 111 stiches.

Then when she was 60yrs old she had one that became cancerous. Dr. did not catch it. They thought it was a fissure she always had. So you must see that they are watched.

She is fine. It took a rethinking of her case. But being fully informed is important.

These are the things we found to work. After years of trial and error. Keeping fissure clean is the hardest and the most important thing. The pain is unbearable. These few things should help right away. I find the relief is instant.


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Replied by Gkp2016 (Virginia) on 01/07/2017

Thank you KT, I will try this ointment. Appreciate your feedback.

Replied by Gkp2016 (Virginia) on 01/07/2017

We have been trying external remedies like coconut oil etc. She has cut down on junk food and is taking fiber supplements like metamucil few times a week. We will definitely try ginger and turmeric combo in hot water. Appreciate your suggestions on this one.

Replied by Harry (Los Angeles) on 01/09/2017

Hi Gkp,

Cutting down on the junk food and taking fiber supplements sounds like a great start, although I think upping the frequency of the fiber supplements to once daily would be a good idea.

However, in at least a few of his YouTube videos, Dr. Bob DeMaria says hemorrhoids are one of the symptoms of having too much estrogen and that they're usually caused in part by the thyroid not working properly which is generally the result of an iodine deficiency. You can watch/listen to Dr. DeMaria's videos to see if she has any of the other symptoms (although I think at least 85% of U.S. women are iodine deficient). For more on that connection, I would encourage you to watch/listen to a few of his videos, especially the first one below (beginning at the 7:45 mark):

For more on iodine, I would recommend watching some YouTube videos on iodine from Dr. Brownstein, reading the posts on EarthClinic from others about their experiences with iodine, and then supplementing with iodine religiously. If I concluded that I was iodine deficient, I would then do as Dr. Brownstein suggests and try to work up to a total daily dose of at least 50 mg per day for at least several months, and probably for the rest of my life. VERY IMPORTANT: Be sure to take the supplemental minerals he recommends along with the iodine -- especially selenium and magnesium. Specifically, I heard one doctor on YouTube say that failing to get enough selenium with your iodine can lead to Hashimoto's Disease.

What form of iodine is best? I don't know. However, despite the very good reviews given to nascent iodine and my respect for Edgar Cayce who I understand gave the formula for Atomidine in one of his readings and recommended it many times thereafter, I think I would use either the old tried and true Lugol's or Iodoral (which I understand to be Dr. Brownstein's choice).

Whichever form you take, if your wife is iodine deficient (as the vast majority of us are), she'll probably experience an uncomfortable and potentially severe reaction as the iodine displaces the bromine, chlorine, and fluorine that your body has absorbed in its stead. To reduce that reaction, you guys can spread out the iodine into at least four or five doses, preferably more. Also, I gather that there's much less detox associated with iodine that's absorbed through your skin, although I also gather that 20% or less of the iodine you paint on your skin winds up getting absorbed.

Finally, it's just a fact of life that detox symptoms are usually unavoidable. I recommend preparing yourself for them by educating yourselves about them and doing things to minimize them, but don't let them dissuade you from your healing path. In all likelihood, the worse they are, the more she needs them. Finally, study, study, study, study, and study some more. As you do, you'll be able to improve your protocol(s), reduce your inevitable mistakes, connect dots that confirm or refute your latest conclusions, stick with it through the inevitable healing crises, and thereby achieve the best possible state of health in the least possible time.

One more thing: I understand that other causes for estrogen dominance are dietary and environmental, in which case avoiding high estrogen foods, canned foods, plastic, and many other sources as well as eating more cruciferous vegetables should be part of the solution as well. There again, as with iodine, I think the issue is very important, but not simple. So educating yourself about it becomes an essential key to eliminating the estrogen issue and keeping it eliminated.

The anal fissure is just one symptom among many of estrogen dominance and an iodine deficiency including some very serious ones. As I recall, they can include cold hands and cold feet, weight gain (especially around the middle), headaches, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, heavy periods, breast pain, and cysts, among others in the short to intermediate term and breast cancer in the long run. So if the anal fissure gets your attention and causes you guys to make some changes, you may be dramatically improving the quality of your lives in the intermediate term and possibly saving yourself from some horrific issues over the long term.


P.S. In at least a couple of these videos, they mention that men are increasingly suffering from estrogen dominance, too, since we get exposed to the same dietary and environmental causes as our significant others and don't have as much capability to eliminate estrogen as they do. One symptom of estrogen dominance in men and women, incidentally, is cherry angiomas on the torso. As I recall, Dr. Chi says that 10 or more cherry angiomas on the torso indicate that you have excess estrogen (although I don't think the ABSENCE of cherry angiomas necessarily indicates that you DON'T have it.)


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