Refused a breast biopsy for 1.3cm mass

Posted By Char (San Diego) on 12/16/2013

Hello. I found Earth Clinic through Google and am glad I did. I was preparing for breast reduction surgery when the radiologist spotted a suspicious 1.3 cm mass in my right breast. My OB/Gyn stated they don't believe it's cancer because the cell is round with no spickets or calcifications but the radiologist wanted to a biopsy just to be sure. I told them I wouldn't agree to a biopsy so now the plastic surgeon won't do the surgery. I told them if this occurred naturally, then I want to remedy it naturally. I was called all weekend begging me to have the biopsy done after I had already refused it. I know I will need to avoid all sugar, go raw and sweat a little but are there any suggestions you can give me to help me remove the mass and get my lymphatic system unclogged? Please advise. Thanks, Char

Replied by Mike 62 (Denver, Colorado) on 12/16/2013

Char: Eat like the 4000 year old tree who has thrived during harsh winters, long droughts, plagues, and calamities. Leaves drop to the ground in the fall. Snow pushes them into the dirt where they are brewed by microbes. This changes matter into gases that pulsate at very high energies. Wild plants drink 100% raw wine and beer. Put 30g sprouted flour and 30g organic whole cane sugar in 1 quart spring water and brew with water kefir grains. I take 1 gallon per day. For more beneficial substances make green smoothies from organic baby leaves, eat raw grassfed animal products, the superfoods, and follow the 80/10/10 program.

Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 12/16/2013

Dear Char,

It sounds like you are already doing a great job of being proactive about your health. Here are a few thoughts to go with what others suggest.

Iodine is important for the breast. There is a recent article on EC by Bill that has lots of helpful information about using Iodine. I can't find the link though... but a lot of information can be found here:

Castor Oil has been known to cure tumors and cysts and such. You can apply it topically or with a castor oil pack. Here is where to learn more about it:

You will also want to be alkalizing your body. Here is more information.

Coffee is linked to fibrocystic breast disease and should be avoided.

Please keep us posted!

~Mama to Many~


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