Recurring tooth abscess after having amalgam replaced

Posted By Rachel ( London) on 05/17/2015

Hi there, I'm travelling abroad and a tooth abscess has returned after 2 pain-free years. It started when I decided to have my only filling (amalgam) changed for a white one - to rid myself of the mercury. The tooth had never been a problem. I then had 2 abscesses within a few weeks - the dentist had exposed the nerve while replacing the filing. I have been drinking lots of tumeric powder (can't get hold of root in Bolivia), eating raw garlic and placing it on the site, as well as oil pulling with olive oil and raw garlic. I can't get hold of hydrogen peroxide or coco oil. I've had to take a few ibuprofen for the pain but am still holding off on antibiotics. There is no head in the gum, the tooth is simply throbbing, very sensitive and feels too big for my mouth. It's a second to last upper tooth. I don't want to get a root canal due to the high risk of various complications. What can I do? I'm only going to be 30 on Thursday so it seems like it will end up being problematic (in later years) to get an extraction now. I hope you can help me! Thank you

Replied by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 05/18/2015

to Rachel (London) ---

I have tooth abscesses and deal with them usually with colloidal silver and DMSO. But I do urine therapy al the time for this as well. Never see a dentist. Am well aware of the toxic effects of septic teeth but these two methods are super. I swish mid stream urine for twenty minutes, ideally three times a day just like oil pulling is done. UT is always preferable as it is a blue print of your body chemistry and is unsurpassed.

You will always have it available no matter where you are.

Namaste, Om


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