Supplements to Help Recover from 3 Brain Aneurysms?

Posted By Juberry (Sydney, Australia ) on 09/06/2018

Hi There I am looking for some advice to cure brain aneurysms and nodules on thyroid.

Brain Aneurysms - I have 3, one on the right that is 2mm and 2 on the left, one of which is 8mm and one is 4mm. Neurosurgeon has advised for me to have surgery (clipping) on the 8mm aneurysm. I am only parent with a 2.5 year old and I am ideally want to be able to treat the aneurysms with as little risk of stroke or disability as possible so I can be well and healthy and care for my son. Surgery comes with a 3-6% chance of stroke, there is a chance I could lose my sight in my left eye and memory and even my ability to have any language skills at all (reading, writing, speaking). All aneurysms are un-ruptured and were found incidentally when I presented with stroke like physical symptoms at emergency but there was no stroke damage on my brain. I presented to hospital again a week later with similar but not as severe symptoms and was kept in for 3 days on the stroke ward and more tests done. Again it was not a stroke and they diagnosed with me Functional Neurological disorder of which they prescribe anti depressants for and suggest CBT therapy. Another incidental find on the second visit to hospital was 2 nodules on my thyroid of which they now want to perform a biopsy to test the cells. I will have this biopsy in a couple of days.

I am meditating every day and I am now performing reiki self treatments (reiki student since finding out) to assist with calming myself and hopefully the reiki energy will help my health conditions.

I really want to cure my aneurysms so they shrink and actually go away and the blood vessel walls become strong and repair again. Are you able to help me with some advice please. I ideally do not want to have my head cut open and have a very long recovery and the risks are so high - it scares me so much. I am only 47 and I have so much energy and life in me. I have recently lost 28KGs over a 5 month period with a very healthy diet and exercise and I feel the strongest and fittest that I ever have. I do not smoke anymore (I gave up immediately) and I do not drink alcohol. I am doing everything I can to live well and hope that there is something else I can do to cure the aneurysms and my thyroid.

Thank you in advance for any help and advice you can share with me.

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