Questions on Cleansing Gallstones

Posted By K2mack (Mal Pais, Puntarenas, Costa Rica) on 04/13/2012

I have done the gallstone cleanse (apple juice, epsom salt and olive oil) once, it worked for a little while, but now I have pains again. I am wondering how often I can do the cleanse, every 2 weeks or do I need to wait longer? Since the flush last week, my tongue is very white, I am hoping that it is my liver trying to detox, so I would like to do another flush as soon as I can. But I am open to any info. I am doing a lot of research, but am getting confused on what is my best option.

Also, has anyone tried adding magnesium chloride to your diet with any results. I am reading so many different things here, that I don't know which is my best option. Also are there any natural forms of mag. Chlo. Or is it best to take a supplement?


Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 04/14/2012

K2mack, there are many different protocols for the gallbladder cleanse. If the one you used didn't seem to work try another and if that one doesn't work, try Liver herbs or natural antibiotic herbs for possible infection of some type pathogen.

Replied by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 09/06/2012

As I understand it, when doing the gallstone cleanse, it needs to be followed up the next few days with a diet of the following: Baked potato--plain. Oranges and pineapple. Big green leafy salad. Take potassium and acidolphilus for the next 60 days faithfully.

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