BHT for Hep C and Psoriasis Formula Interaction Questions

Posted By Hanoi Man (Hanoi) on 06/15/2015

Hi Oscar,

I am from Vietnam(40 years old). I have found contracted with Hep C, Genotype 1a during the blood test for treatment of psoriasis (I am psoriasis sufferer since 1998).

I found your website during the search for any alternative treatment of Hep C, since I concerned the current conventional treatment of Hep C may have all terrible side effects. After reading through all your posts and other people out there, I decided to give BHT a try. From here in Vietnam, I ordered BHT via Amazon (250 mg Capsules) and I have just got it delivered after 3 weeks.

However, before starting this, I have so confused as the psoriasis pills prescribed by my Psoriasis doctor have some herbs components (Milk Thistle and many more...).

From your posts, I am aware that milk thistle may degrade effectiveness of BHT.

Please give me your any advice to my above confusion as I wish to treat my psoriasis and Hep C concurrently.

Can I take psoriasis pills separately with BHT (2 to 3 hours before or after each other) and that will ensure effectiveness of BHT?

Thank you so much for your response.


From Vietnam with Love!


Replied by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 06/16/2015

Dear Hanoi Man [ Hanoi ]: This is kind of exciting for me, to be speaking with a Vietnamese person. I am so very glad the USA and Vietnam have at long last achieved a high degree of peace and co-operation with each other.

Your English is excellent by the way. My Vietnamese is all but non-existent.

Anyway, I will address the issues you asked me about.

The BHT treatment I discuss is based on my experience and that of others in the BHT CURES GROUP I once had, but no longer do. That group no longer exists.

In my opinion: It is important to keep this treatment simple. To NOT be taking milk thistle and a very many other supplements while using the BHT treatment.

The BHT treatment is very simple: one 250mg of BHT capsule taken twice a day for people who weigh 125 pounds or more in two separate doses. Take one capsule on an empty stomach with a gulp of water in the morning and one capsule at night = 500mg of BHT per day.

For people who weigh less than 125 pounds one 250mg of BHT per day may be all that is required. And for people who weigh 200 pounds or more, some more BHT might be required.

For me: I had psoriasis and also oral type herpes. Both of those infections cleared up using BHT as I just discussed. I weighed about 175 pounds in 1997, and now weigh about 200 pounds. I used the 250mg of BHT twice a day method. I still take BHT on a daily basis and have done so since 1997.

The only way you can find out if the BHT treatment works for you is to try it.

Also and importantly: The BHT treatment seemed to work at least as well if not better with people infected with hepatitis C type 1 both A and B subtypes.

We had one person in that group who was also infected with the AIDS virus who cut his HCV type 1 A viral load in half in one WEEK using the BHT treatment as I have recommended.

Wishing you well and to get well, ...Oscar


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