Question for Tim About Serrapeptase

Posted By Cindy (Usa) on 07/08/2015

hi timh, I have seen posts on serrapeptase to help with possible fungal/biofilm issues. have you tried it yourself and if so how do you feel it worked for you? I am wondering how much and how often to take it and if it should be taken with anything else. Thanks for now.

Replied by Timh (Ky) on 07/09/2015

C: I have been using either Nattokinase or Serrapeptase once daily 30 min prior to meal for a few yrs now for chronic bone infection. Also have chronic fungal infection but cannot note any improvement in the "zymes" for this, but can definitely, however, see improvements in the bacterial infection in the bones as it allows other therapies to penetrate and kill bad bact and reduce the pain.

If you are having a difficult time with said fungal infection it is important to know that other pathogens as well as parasites can mimic the symptoms of fungal. Heavy metal cleanses may also be necessary. Remember, Candida and Fungal infections in general, are "secondary" diseases that have specific underlying causes (most always immune suppression).

If you have faithfully done Bill's anticandida protocol and still suffering, then broaden the treatment with the formentioned in mind and w/ the addition of Zapping which compliments other treatments, both natural and pharmaceutical.

As for bursting the fungal chitin layer, I have had good results using 500-750mg Lufenuron prior to other treatments plus zapping once everything is kicked in good.


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