Proper H. Pylori Diet?

Posted By Nimo (London, United Kingdom) on 10/16/2011

Hi, I've had h. Pylori for 2 months now. it gets worst in the night and morning. I dont know what to eat. ive been on the antibiotics. it has not helped. any body can help me on what to eat and how to get rid of it?

Replied by Scorpioempress (Ridgecrest, Ca, Usa) on 10/19/2011

It can take up to 6 months to cure h. pylori even with antibiotics.

I am sure there are things here to help speed up the process. Anybody, healthy or sick, benefits from laying off all refined sugars, simple carbs, trans fats, caffeine, and fake sugars. A diet high in protein and vegetables is usually the best route.

You should be building your gut though as you take these antibiotics. Antibiotics can kill you because they kill all your friendly gut bugs. That's why docs often tell people to eat yogurt. You should be popping probiotics like candy! They will also boost your immune system.

You might also try slippery elm. It works well for leaky gut syndrome, so maybe it might help ulcers from h. Pylori. It makes the gut produce the mucus that heals and protects the gut, but that is removed in leaky gut and ulcers. The mucus is the first line of defense in a healthy gut.

Also, if you use bentonite clay you might heal faster. It binds to garbage in the gut and eliminates it through elimination. It's recommended for candida/leaky gut as well.

If it were me, I'd concentrate on building my immune system, alkalizing my body, and getting oxygen to my body. You can find out how to do all of these on this site. Just use the search button.


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