Natural Treatments for Pre-Cancerous Cervical Cells

Posted By May (Australia) on 03/09/2016

My daughter age 44 yrs has been diagnosed with pre-cancerous cervical cells - she has now had 3 biopsies 6 months apart - no change. Can anyone recommend a natural treatment for this condition, as she does not choose to have surgery? Thank you
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Replied by Ben (Bremerton Wa ) on 03/10/2016

At an early stage, one of the best treatments is a new one called gcmaf. Your body naturally makes this protein. Its job is to rev up the immune system to attack cancer cells and virus. The bad thing is certain types of virus and cancer cells make an enzyme called nagalase. This enzyme bonds to a tiny receptor site on the dna which results in immune system deactivation.

Search the title "Gcmaf: the amazing answer for your health" on YouTube for a .Video explaining how nagalase shuts down the immune system and gcmaf reactivates it.

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