Povidone or Another Iodine Okay?

Posted By Renee (Somewhere, California) on 08/22/2007

hi, I am trying the iodine mole removal with Iodine that I bought from Walgreens called Povidone Iodine. I was wondering if it matters what type of iodine I use? Thank you for this site, by the way.

Replied by EC

'No, people don't usually use povidone, just regular iodine in the 1 Fluid Oz size bottle (tiny bottle).

Replied by Kamali (L.A.) on 01/14/2009

Regarding the Iodine for mole removal,

it seems like there are two types of iodine......

1.) lugol's iodine


2.) iodine tincture

Is there a difference between the two?

which one is one preferred for mole removal or does it not matter?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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