Is It Possible To Regain My Smell After 7 Years?

Posted By Helen (Sheffield) on 11/22/2015

Hello Thank you for your page on anosmia! I found it gave me a lot of different things to look at when trying to regain my smell. I have not had a sense of smell for 7 years now. I lost my ability to smell when I was 17. I have never been able to pin point why. I tried numerous things that the doctors prescribed such as nasal sprays etc. Nothing worked and I gave up, but I really want to give it another go to get it back and try the things that have been suggested on your page about anosmia. Is it to late to ever get my sense of smell back after 7 years? It would be really helpful if you could give me some advice on this? Can I try all of the things suggested at the same time ? Please get back to me, I would truly be grateful for your help. Helen smith
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Replied by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 11/23/2015

I lost my sense of smell in March 2013. Since June of this year I have been taking Lugol's 5% 5 drops twice per day, vitamin C, selenium, zinc, vitamin d, chromium picolonate, cinnamon, biotin, flax seed oil, taurine, black seed oil (since October). I was taking the iodine for breast issues and the chromium for blood sugar issues. For the past two weeks my sense of smell has gradually return. It is not 100% but I can smell many things I couldn't smell before. I am not sure which of these supplements is helping but I am glad something is working.

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