Polymyalgia causing whole body to hurt

Posted By Lou (Dayton, Oh) on 08/24/2012

I was told 2 l/2 years ago that I had polymalgia and was put on prednisone. Helped for a while, but I wanted to get off of the prednisone so my family doctor sent me to a specialist who didn't think I had polymalgia and did all kinds of blood tests, but couldn't tell me what I had. I have all of the symptons of polymalgia and don't know where to turn now. It is getting hard for me to do everyday functions like getting out of bed or up from a chair. My ankles, hips, wrists, arms, neck, shoulders, everything just hurts. Been on lots of natural supplements and nothing seems to be working. Nobody seems to even know what or ever heard of polymalgia. Can anyone out there help me. I'm 53 and feel like 83.

Replied by Vicki (North Port, Fl - Usa) on 08/27/2012

Lou, I was just diagnosed in April of this year (I was 63 yrs old at that time) with PMR. The pain was almost unbearable..... Couldn't step up on a curb, get up from a chair without holding on to something, couldn't bend down to tie my shoes, had to lift my legs with my hands to get into the car, couldn't turn over in bed without wincing the pain was so bad, even had to buy a toilet seat riser because it hurt so bad to just squat. I was getting depressed because I didn't know what was wrong and I was thinking "hey, if I don't wake up in the morning at least I won't hurt anymore" that's how bad I felt. When my physician saw the pain I was in she prescribed predinosone and said I'd feel better in the morning. Oh my goodness, within 3 hours of taking my first pill I felt better and in the morning after another pill I felt even better. Of course I was gradually weened off but before I finished that dose I saw a rheumatologist and she said I was getting off of the meds too quickly and that I would get this pain back. NO WAY did I want that to happen! She started me on a higher dose (15mg) for a longer length of time and I am gradually being weened off of that. I am now down to 11mg so as you can see it is very gradual and it might be until spring until I am completely off of predinosone. I have not had any pain since being on the meds and the only thing I hate about it is that I get hot flashes a couple of times a day and I'm gaining weight the two side effects I wish I didn't have! Don't know if any of this helps you but I hope you can get some relief somehow.

Replied by Happy (Up The Creek In, Wv, Usa) on 08/28/2012

in reply to --08/24/2012: Lou from Dayton, Oh: "I was told 2 l/2 years ago that I had polymalgia.... --

this is my best shot:

Your disease is cause by your intake of acidifying substances that make the blood and urine too acid in pH; thereby causing the body to try and save your life from certain death by leaching calcium and other minerals from your bones and tissues to use to keep the blood alkaline enuf for you to remain alive. Adjust your pH in the short term with supplements, and stop all fluoride sources that are causing this. [or other poisons]

1. you have been poisoned. a Likely poison: fluoride ... poly-myalgia is a symptom of fluoride poison.

2. regardless of the specific poison, poly-myalgia is probably caused by the body using calcium and magnesium, & etc. minerals from the bones and tissures to keep the blood pH in the living ph range of pH.

3. buy pH testing strips and test your urine and saliva for pH level.

4. buy ionic form calcium and mineral supplements to use to provide calcium to the blood, to alkalyze the blood with. To stop the leaching of calcium from your bones and cartiliges. To quench the acid forming fluoride ions and neutralize their acid charge.

5. make your own lime water saturated solution out of food grade quick lime and water; to also use to donate calcium to the acid forming fluoride toxin, acid quenching process.

6. buy a book on pH alkalyzing and how to do it. Search the internet for pH adjusting info.

7. stop all fluoride sources. search the internet on where they are.

8. read the fluoride essay on earthclinic. com about fluoride and lyme disease.


Replied by Lou (Dayton, Oh) on 08/30/2012

Thank you Happy from up the creek. I will definately try this.

Replied by Diane (Rhode Island) on 01/12/2014

I was diagnosed almost two years ago with PMR and resisted Prednisone until I couldn't walk and had to start on 15mgs. I've tried every remedy in the book to get off it without results since then.

My son has been in Thailand for the past year or so studying Thai Massage. When he was here last month, he gave me a 90 minute treatment. After the treatment I had NO PAIN. ZERO! And there was no stiffness whatsoever. It was like a miracle. It had been so long since I felt this way, and it felt amazing. This has been the only thing that's worked for me. I've tried accupuncture and every herbal remedy in the book with no results. I couldn't afford to go regularly to accupuncture. Maybe it would have if I kept at it.

My son is back in Thailand now so no free treatments but I'm making an appt with a local woman in hopes I have the same results. The effects lasted a couple of weeks and then I started to get a little achey again, but it was complete relief until then. I'm still taking the steroids but I think with this treatment it will help me get off them. I've started with yoga stretches in the morning too. I think with two treatments a month, which will cost maybe 150 to 200, depending on how long the treatment is, this is a purely holistic way to get relief.

Just a note on the steroid taper. I had to start all over again at my original dose because my first doctor had me tapering off 1mg every two weeks. That is too fast! My new doctor has me on a dosage for a month to three weeks, then go down 1mg every other day with the dose I'm on for a week, then drop to that 1mg less for another month. In other words, 4mgs for a month, then 4mg one day, 3 the next, 4 the next for a week, then stay on 3. That seems to be working for me. Good luck.


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