Pins and needles in foot wont go away after 2 days

Posted By Tee (Chicago, Il) on 06/04/2010

Tingly feet

Yesterday I was a relaxing with one of my legs up in a chair. You know how you usually get that pin needle feeling afterwards that usually goes away after you walk it off. Well mine didn't go away after two days. My foot is very sensitive on the top part and it feels funny to walk or move it. What is this and what can I do about it???

EC: Here's a great website to look up symptoms with key words like "tingling in one foot":


Replied by Stephanie (Eugene, Or) on 01/05/2011

This might be helpful to those experiencing tingling feet and hands. I started experiencing this in June 2010, I was also dealing with back spasms for the last two years so thought it was just stress. My MD thought I might have early signs of fibromyalgia, I read about that on the internet and found the salicylates were bad for people with fibro. I had been using the "hot patches" that you stick on your back almost daily for a couple of years, those are suppose to have salicylates in them. I stopped using them. I also had been laying on and even sleeping with a heating pad almost daily, I read that heating pads, electric blankets, etc. can disrupt a body's systems. I stopped that! I also started experiencing a painful neck, again thought it was stress.... I started doing some easy yoga neck stretches. Do not roll your neck around in a circle!! Simply slowly drop your chin to your chest and slowly raise back up, do this a few times then drop your chin again and just take deep breaths for a couple of minutes. Then slowly roll your head from the chest position to the left side and then back down, then roll to the right side.... Never forcing, breathe gently and deeply, continue a couple of minutes. I can't tell you which of the above helped or if all three but in 2 or 3 days I was feeling better and completely better in a week. I honestly think it is the neck stretching, something is bothering the nerves in my neck. If I feel is slightly coming back I do the neck stretches. I hope this is helpful to others. Good Luck

Replied by Jane (Columbus, Ohio) on 11/19/2013

The parasthesia I am experiencing is a lot worse that that.

It causes excruciating and continual pain that one never forgets for a moment as it is so odd.

Mine started when I got out of car and heard a pop in the thigh/groin area and within 20 minutes my whole foot and part of my calf went numb and has remained such for several years.

They thought it was stemming from l5 in the back where I have several herniated disc and severe stenosis after having been in over 25 car accidents (only two minor ones my fault). One was being run into at 55 mph and missing death by one second and the other was walking and being run over by a car as my worst one)..this caused continual back problems although till this last incident, my chiropractor had been abkle to help me.

I tried natural treatments and finally in desperation steroid shots which were not effective, . I was told surgery may help the leg (but not the back but leg is far worst) but they will not do it due to serve uncontrolled diabetes and risk of infections. I do not want to take nsaid drugs like ibuprofen as this is what lead to my mom's kidney damage and subsequent death from kidney disease/dialysis. I try to do everything natual but cannot always afford what I need. I was thrilled to know about borax today form this site which was a god send and might help several problems I have.

With parasthesia, it feels like I am wearing socks too small all the time and shoes ten sizes too small and like a vise is on my foot. I have constant cramps and pains. I also had neuralgia and severe knee problems which might be the sources of this. I re-injured twice and am going to Er today as I think something is torn as pain is so intense I scream when my leg moves certain ways. I could not stand for 24 hours as no strength in my calf..I think I tore a ligament but if I can get an mri maybe they will see what could be causing my parasthesia. sometime parasthesia feels like the feeling you get when you are frozen from being in 50 degree below zero weather and have to thaw out..sometimes it is like a 100 bee stings.

I considered killing myself from that and a bunch of things but am still here suffering. Out of 100 shoes I have or tried on, I could only find one that did not feel even more viselike even though they were in my size and felt fine preinjury.

Of course there is also numbness, tingling, pins and needles but also muscle cramps and odd sensations though my legs of pain but this may be from the neuropathy I did not feel till recently but nerve conduction test (2 of them) said I had.

I do not feel this is from diabetes as I did have a little numbing on the tips of my toes and then within minutes of that pop where something shifted, half my leg was numb and there has remained.

If anyone knows of anything that will help and also lesson the pain I am now getting form neurology, please let me know. I have seen the forum for that.


Replied by Mr. Ree (U.s.a.) on 11/19/2013

Vitamin E at 200-300 I.U.'s will stop your legs from cramping and may help everything else...It brings oxygen to the area which is likely your problem. Good luck. You do not need more than 300 I.U's

Google Robert F.Cathcart Vitamin E and leg cramps The Journal of the American Medical Association, Jan. 10 1972 Vol 219. No. 2. He was highly in favor of orthomolecular treatment for all diseases.


Replied by Mike 62 (Denver, Colorado) on 11/19/2013

Jane: Hawaiin spirulina repairs half of the nerve. Chlorella repairs the other half. Take 2/3 hawaiin spirulina and 1/3 chlorella. They also have many goodies for nutritional support. Diabetes is not caused by sugar. A lack of nutrition from eating regular food causes the b-cells to stop producing insulin and fatty acid oxidation causes insulin sensitivity. While you are waiting for the superfoods to arrive make green smoothies from organic baby leaves in a blender. They contain growth factors and steroids not in mature leaves. Eat raw honey and organic berries for carbs. Take 30g black chia seeds, 1tsp. sesame oil, and 15g expellar pressed coconut oil for fats, nondenatured whey isolate for protein, absorbable colostrum for growth factors, mitochondrial repair, and immune function, kimchi for sulfur and salt, organic chili for the capillaries, and watch raw food videos for some good info. Take a lot of this stuff with lots of water every hour so as to repair the tissues and get well fast.

Replied by Connie (Utah, Usa) on 11/19/2013

Hi Jane;

Paresthesia may be a symptom of B12 deficiency, even if the serum blood test shows normal. There can be B12 transport, receptor, etc., difficulties that may be missed by doctors.


Replied by Jane (Columbus, Ohio) on 11/20/2013

Yes I may be low in b 12 I found a rare genetic defect and had almost all the symptoms in questionnaire and my brother also did. One is not absorbing b vitamins and c and other nutrients and this causes a myriad of seemingly unrelated symptoms. I have long thought family des=eases showed steeming from b vitamins.

I was also a vegan 4 years but did occasionally mess up and also took b12 sometimes. Last year I went off vegan but going back on in January I hope.

The genetic illness is not widely known by doctors. Mine never heard of it nor did she research I don't think though she said she did as there was lot of info online. If I could scrape up $125 I could know for sure but my car just broke cv joint and frame as I rdove on a flat 3 miles in middle of night, had to be junked so lost car I need to be interdependency with no bus line

I also lost refrigerator and washer broke and 15 other things and I am on a very low fixed income so cannot swing the needed test.

Dr did say she would test some of these but I am not anxious to come in due to staff but now like some other times she will think she is right even if she is not and it hit a brick wall.

How might they check it well enough to see the true results.

I did read taking b and some of the other minerals/vitamins helps this disorder but a bunch of stuff happened and I forgot to take it.

Tonight I was in ER due to very possible torn meniscus in knee and/or ligament tear. I do not have it all the time but when I move my knee wrong , the pain first hits me from twisting my knee wrong and reinjured badly 5 days later. I type in pain..they did nothing but say go to doctor Nothing is broken but said I had severe arthritis in knee.

I just found out about borax and can't wait to start it tomorrow to see if it helps all my pain.

The reason I do not think parasthesia was due to b12 was never had this before and a loud pop in groin/thigh and leg right away went numb and painful and stayed that way so it is hard not to associate it with this injury suffered when getting out of car 5 years or so when it first started and before I as a vegan or vegetarian

But I am trying to commit to making some changes towards health and will probably go get those vitamins and start adding to new new program.

There is definitely nerve damage and I have a nerve formula that ids supposed to help with rebuilding myelin sheath but it stinks so bad due to very strong I was sent and if it was not I would put it on leg. Maybe I will take it orally though with gota kola tinctures.

I felt when I found the site and article on boron, god was answering my prayers as this explains a lot like why I was so acidic even when eating 85 to 90% veggies (half raw) and not just acacia the lowest one on the paper. Nothing seems to change it but this I think might and help with pain a lot so I can be more active and walk again to exercise for my diabetes. currently using wheelchair and walker for a few car lengths but can't even use cane now due to my sprain or whatever I tore in knee this week.

Thank you for caring.


Replied by Connie (Utah, Usa) on 11/20/2013

Hi Jane;

It looks like you've had alot of misfortune lately. I hope it changes for the better now!

There are genetic mutations that can cause B12 deficiency, and the symptoms will be seen in many family members. ( This has happened in my family.)

Last spring, I did a genetics test, and found many mutations that could be responsible for my own deficiency. It's helped me to understand why I need such a high dose of B12 daily. ( I take sublingual, methylcobalamin, 15 mgs. daily.)

Of course, with one health condition, there can be more, and some of these tendencies can also be genetic. I can understand your frustration - I've also tried many diets. They can help, but sometimes, some of us need a little more....

The B12 serum test is the least indicative, although it does catch a minority of people. The Hhomocysteine test is non-specific, because it may indicate low folate, B6, B12, hypothyroid, etc. Urinary Methylmalonic Acid, (MMA), may be better than the others.

The active B12 test, Holo-TC, may be the most accurate now, but still, testing needs improvement.

I hope you find what works best!

(This site is about chronic fatigue/ myalgic encephalomyelitis, but there is alot of discussion regarding B12. Maybe it will interest you.)


Replied by Jemira (Ks, Us) on 11/20/2013

Hello Jane, I know the "pop" you are talking about!

5 years ago I was walking and there was suddenly a "pop" in my lower back/hips. The pain was off the scale and I remember it hurt all the way up to the tip of my nose. Felt like I had been punched in the nose and I could smell blood for a second. I was walking in a mall so all I could do was stop and hope noone bumped into me. Well I made it out of the mall and home eventually. Over the next 3 days both of my legs went numb with pins and needles. I was a dancer and knew how to deal with injuries so I rested, ice, etc. and it got some better. I have been to 7 different doctors in 5 years, MDs, DOs, DCs - none can tell me what's wrong to this day. They all say everything looks normal. One even told me, "Somethings are just a mystery."

My diet is clean, I am in mostly good health. I had fluoride poising 2 years ago and am still not over all of what happened there. But when this originally happened 5 years ago I was in very good health. I taught dance classes 5 times a week.

Acupuncture gave me feeling back the first time I had it done but it's never worked as well again. I keep trying it though. Also, this week I tried Alpha Lipoic Acid and and noticing some good results. Feet are warmer and they seem to be feeling more. I've used it twice but I think the dose is too high (250mg) as it causes a strange feeling in my mouth. Going to hold off on taking it till I can get a lower dose of it.

Mostly I am writing this to tell you that you are not alone with your "pop".


Replied by Mvo (Jhb, Rsa) on 11/21/2013

Hi, look up "The Miracle Ball Method" by Elaine Petrone maybe you will find some answers. All the best.

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