Pain in Leg is Not Responding to Natural Remedies

Posted By Amy (Athens) on 08/09/2016

I've had this pain in my calf recently. I thought it might be a pulled muscle, since I had overdone the exercise recently. I had a dr appt anyway, so I mentioned it and he checked the pulse above and below and said I was fine. But--what if it is a clot? It's been a couple of weeks now and it's still there, but not constantly just every so often. I sit all day at a computer, but I do walk as much as I can and I try to work standing. Should I do anything different? I massage magnesium oil 2x per day into the area and eat a good bit of garlic and onions. Is there something I can take as a natural blood thinner? Is that even wise? thanks.

Replied by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 08/09/2016

Walking is good but you aren't physically designed to stand for long periods of time. You would be better off seated with lots of "getting up". Not necessarily to walk but just to get up out of your chair.

I had a job that involved being seated at a computer all day but I was hopping up many times per day to a common file cabinet. I didn't have any problems until my job changed to one where I was merely sitting all day. Then I had swollen feet and ankles and the same pains you are describing.

If you can, make arrangements where you are up and down - I rearranged my files so that I had to get up to get at the ones I used most often. Otherwise you might look at suggestions and solutions that revolve around long distance, cramped/coach airplane flights.

I didn't like compression socks or hose but I probably had the wrong kind. I think if I went back to work in an office, I would make myself some calf compression sleeves. Not as tight as the ones runners use but with just some light compression. Or maybe some light compression knee highs.


Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/10/2016

Amy, what you are doing with the mag oil and onions/garlic seems fine. If it's not getting worse, just think positive that it's getting better!!
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Replied by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 08/10/2016

If I feared a blood clot - or anything regarding circulation - I would use cayenne but since I already ingest large amounts of cayenne, I would not expect any kind of blood clot, heart or any other circulatory problems.

Replied by Kt (Usa) on 08/10/2016

Dear Amy,

I kept complaining to my PCP about this "sensation" going in with one of my calves and there were some broken veins. My doc finally scheduled either an ultrasound or sonogram several years ago and it revealed nothing.

As time went on it began to throb so I naturally suspected a blot clot and looked up remedies here. I didn't look up my post here, but I think I reported using the ACV, walking then cayenne pepper and I assume it finally dissolved because the throbbing stopped.

That area appeared to have a slight depression where some muscle had wasted away so I started jogging in the house more on my toes, up and down the stairs and exercising to build that calf. It has filled out.

Nothing diagnosed and nothing confirmed except the throbbing went away so I continue to take ACV and cayenne pepper every day. The cayenne is reported to dissolve blood clots and, at the same time, stop internal bleeding. (One of God's wonder drugs/spices) I take garlic every day because it is a blood thinner and antibiotic. I also take ginger and turmeric. I think they are considered blood thinners too. Personally, I would not use compression socks.

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Replied by Michael (New Zealand) on 08/11/2016

Hi Amy,

You could continue the A.C.V. treatments as described on this site. Some physiotherapists have u tube, video-type clips that "hone in" on a particular problem (good value for calf muscles) but think gentle stretching rather than "exercises" (start off gently and gradually do more later if you can cope). You don't want to tear or strain a tight muscle. It helps if you are warmed up first though (like your walking). Magnesium Chloride LIQUID is a great favorite of mine for muscle cramps if that is what you have. It often works quite quickly too. An Epsom Salts bath is a great way to go for a 15 minute soaking of tired muscles -- and no longer! A smoothie of avocado, banana, and (either) apple juice OR oat milk, plus a teaspoon of turmeric with a pinch or two of cayenne pepper, all whizzed up each day, might be great for this if there is any arthritis there (hope not! ). If your sciatic nerve is being compressed, then you should make sure you get good advice on (say) two or three basic exercises that would help a lot if you do too much sitting every day. If you are guilty, then research the "McKenzie Method" and the "McKenzie Roll" for fitting to your computer chair. An old trick to release a cramped leg is to lie down and pull gently on your big toe. Oh yes, and muscles need WATER!!

P.S.This advice does not cover blood clotting, varicose veins or thrombosis etc. so you need a more accurate diagnosis from health professionals.

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