Help! In Terrible Pain From Spider Bite

Posted By Nikki (St. Louis, Mo) on 09/06/2016

Please help. I was bitten by a spider about a month ago. I've been hospitalized and they removed dead debris. So it's a open wound. They cut about 1/2 centimeter. I'm still in excruciating pain. Its not healing. I don't know what to do. Antibiotics not working. Pain pills not working. I can barely move. Its stinging so bad right now! What should I do. Please anyone help!! That is Neosporin cream on it.

Replied by Timh (Ky) on 09/07/2016

Cut a piece of refrigerator Magnet that will fit the size of your wound plus a little larger, place a piece of bathroom tissue on wound then secure the Magnet over it. This will reduce the pain & inflammation.

Once your done with phase one of the above, here is a list of natural or synthetic products I use for skin wounds:

Triple Antibiotic Ointment

Vit-E Oil

Cod Liver Oil

Porters Salve

Also from the natural remedy dept. E.C.'s Mama-To-Many routinely advises Activated Charcoal Poultices especially for cases of insect, snake, or other poisonous wounds, as the A.C. absorbs the toxins. It would have been ideal if you applied one of these poultices immediately following the bite but may still be beneficial. You can find more info on how to make one of these here on E.C.

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Replied by Michael (New Zealand) on 09/07/2016

Well Nikki, I probably won't be much help to you as, unlike U.S.A. and (especially) Australia, we do not have many poisonous spiders here. We do have the Katipo and the White-tailed spider and I have a Homeopathic remedy on hand if a White-tail bites me when I am fetching the firewood! Occasionally they get inside our house and I worry that a grandchild crawling on the floor might get bitten. So we have this remedy on hand just in case. We are cautioned not to drop clothes on the floor here in the Far North of N.Z. Some reports over here claim that, in rare cases, a suseptable person might have flesh eaten away which sounds really nasty. Not everybody has faith in homeopathy and I once heard that only 60% of people benefit from it but I seem to be one of the lucky ones. I am sorry but that is all I can offer you. I hope you get more useful advice from someone else. Check out if there are spider- specific, homeopathic remedies over where you are.
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Replied by Ben (Kansas) on 09/07/2016

Trying putting some calcium bentonite clay on it. That stuff is miraculous.

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