On chest has multiple keloids

Posted By Vijay (Bangalore, Karnataka, India) on 01/27/2010

Dear sir/madam,

Am 24yrs, i have multiple keloids on my chest caused due to acne from past 2 ys, i got steriod injections and nothing have worked out...pls help me and suggest the right treatment to get cure. pls help!

Replied by Diana (Maungaturoto, New Zealand) on 01/28/2010

There is a fantastic cure for keloid scars. That is snail slime! They put it into creams that cost a fortune to buy. There are lots of youtube videos on it also and how it works. If you can handle it, you can pick up a snail and gently run it over your scars. The liquid that is remaining on your scars will be quickly absorbed by the skin. Otherwise you can buy the cream with it already in. This has been researched by a university.

Replied by Claudia (Bucharest, Romania) on 03/04/2010

Dear Diana,

Have you tried snail slime on your keloids or do you know anyone that had good results with it or with creams that contain snail slime? If you have tried it can you tell us how old was your keloid?


Replied by Tsan1984 (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 09/25/2012

Well, I have tried some with Snail cream for 6 months on several keloids, as old as 4 years and as new as 1 month, didn't work. I am really surprised why the Kennacort/ Cortisone injections are not working. Try higher dosage @ 40 mg/ml. I have around 50 keloids, 35 of which are flat with some discoloration, I inject kennacort myself, apply an topical anesthetic "Triocaine" works best, wait for 15 minutes and I inject at the top of the keloid. It takes about 7 days to completely see the results, usually they are flat, if not I inject again after a period of 30 days. I am also taking heavy dosage of systemic enzymes and I have seen my chest keloids completely melt, they form pus and they become flat. I use Zymessemce, docsprefer.com or Vitalzyme. That worked too, I am now trying the ACV treatment for keloids, lets see how that works.

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