Nurse called and daughter 14 with whooping cough

Posted By Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 11/04/2011

My 14 year daughter's school nurse just called me and said that she has been exposed to whooping cough by someone who has it in a class of hers and she will need to be put on antibiotics before she can come back to school. I am completely torn as she has probably only (maybe) had one antibiotic when she was like 1 or something. I don't like them and I think it's ridiculous that our government makes us do this. If I choose not to put her on them then she will not be allowed to go back to school for 28 days.

My question is if anyone knows of a good natural remedy for the bordatella pertussis bacterium (whooping cough) if she or anyone else in my family actually gets it? Also if anyone knows of anything that might keep all of us from getting it in the first place. I read the two suggestions on the whooping cough ailment page concerning Vitaman C flushing and belledonna but I was wondering if anyone knew of any other remedies. I already have my whole family on iodine, D3, A, C, E, zinc, magnesium, selenium, omega 3's, probiotics, B-complex. Any answers will help. Thank you.


Replied by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 11/05/2011

Jen, not a big fan of pharmaceuticals, but sometimes they may be beneficial or even neccesary. Anyway, it's about how we approach disease and wellness treatment, and the professional advice varies like the weather. From the ultraconservative "everything is bad for us" to the liberal "take whatever". Somewhere we make our choices, and in this case, there isn't much choice. One thing to note on this --- establishment, or convention, needs to keep everything black or white. Example, FDA has repeatedly confirmed that all vaccines are always safe. They cannot accept the admission of any other studies, findings, or reports.

My view is to be educated, careful, pragmatic, realistic, and moderate. Always read drug or nutritional labels and information and carefully monitor results. Keep a personal medical journal, much like a diary. Has your daughter taken antibiotics before? Did she experience good results, bad side effects? This is why nurses ask about medical history.

For drugs or nutritionals that have any history of negative side effects, always begin with small doses. Purchase a pill splitter, it could save your life.

For prevention, turn loose some eucalyptus oil on a tissue to clean the air in your house.

Hope this wrangling helps, and good luck.


Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 11/05/2011

If it were me I would ask the school to give you the paperwork for your daughters class so that she can study at home. She was "exposed" not diagnosed with whooping cough. How dare the school bully people into taking antibiotics. How many kids not on your daughters vitamin regimen will have their health compromised by taking antibiotics.

If she does take them I would up the iodine and probiotics to offset them.

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