Nothing is Helping My Frozen Shoulder

Posted By Dennis (Coon Rapids, Minnesota) on 03/02/2016

I have dealt with frozen shoulder for almost a year now. I have seen chiropractors and I have done physical therapy for 8 months. I have more range of motion and less pain, but I can't get back to normal. I have trouble getting back to full strength and I get muscle spasms in my tricep, bicep, and rotator cuff area. When the spasms happen I become tighter and it takes weeks to recover from it. It is the worst thing I have ever dealt with. I have tried trigger therapy. I do a lot of stretching and strength exercises but I can't ever get back to normal. Do you have any suggestions?
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Replied by Littlewing (Boston) on 03/02/2016

Rubbing Magnesium Oil on every night got rid of my frozen shoulder in one month.

Replied by Nesty (Australia) on 03/02/2016

Hi Dennis,

It sounds like you have a classic case of Magnesium Deficiency as evidenced by your muscle spasms. As suggested by someone earlier, rub in Magnesium Oil daily on the affected areas and you will get welcome relief over time and also get better sleep.

I know what it feels like, I have been through it myself, good luck with it.

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Replied by Tina (Princeton) on 03/03/2016

Hi Dennis,

Have you tried Lajin - a Chinese form of simple stretching that has proved very effective for splains and chronic pain? Lajin in Mandarin means stretching and pulling of ligaments and tendons. There are videos on YouTube demonstrating these simple exercises Which can be done at home using two chairs or a bench and a wall. The best part is after regular sessions the cure is permanent. Until a few years back I used to have stiff shoulders and lower back pain but a month of doing the exercise everything just clicked into place and I felt flexible and best of all, pain-free. Now, I can shovel snow, lift weights and do yoga without a twinge.

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Replied by Wieas (London, Uk) on 03/03/2016

Hello, I too had a frozen shoulder for about a year some years ago. It was absolute agony. My doctor sent me for an x-ray and it showed a lot of calcification around the shoulder joint.

I tried numerous things to get rid of it and nothing helped. In desperation, I tried acupuncture. The relief was immediate. After just one session I was able to move my arm and shoulder with no pain. I think I had 4 or 5 sessions in total, it was the best thing ever. Never had a reoccurence since.

I wish you well, I know the pain you're going through.


Replied by Mother Earth (Ks) on 03/03/2016

You may have a vitamin D deficiency. There's a testimonial on YouTube about healing a frozen shoulder using vitamin D by Lisa LaRue. You'll want to read up on how to take D3 with vitamin K if you go that route. Also, consider turmeric and msm for pain.

Good luck and quick healing!

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Replied by Green Augustine (Mold, Denbighshire) on 03/04/2016

Hi Dennis, I see there are some good suggestions on helping your shoulder. A friend of mine suffered with this for two years and, like you, tried many, many things. Eventually he went to Tai Chi classes and the Chinese master told him just to do the simple arm swings twice a day for a minute or so and building up to 4-5 minutes twice a day etc. He was OK within two months. There's probably something on YouTube and it's a very simple non taxing exercise. I do hope you find a cure, as it is such a painful complaint.

Replied by Green Augustine (Mold, Denbighshire) on 03/05/2016

Sorry Dennis, I got that wrong. I mean he did swinging arms - which is letting your arms hang down and then sort of swirling them round your torso to the right then the left for several minutes. Arm swings I think means lift and raising the arms which may help, but it was the swinging arm movement he swore by.
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