Nothing Is Curing My Shingles After 7 Years, Suggestions Appreciated

Posted By Odelia (Bourbonnais, Ill) on 11/05/2017

Nothing is curing my shingles. The skin problem is just one effect of shingles. Double vision, nerves of the heart causing low blood pressure at times and sciatic nerve affections causing problems with walking. K Herpes clings to the nerve shafts and could affect any part of the body. I am wondering if many have these problems and think it is something different thinking also that the shingles is cured as long as there is no skin problem. I do have rough skin where the "blisters" are. None have ever opened but they come and go. The fatigue is also a factor.

When I first broke out with shingles the rash disappeared but the fatigue came and stayed and is with me after about 7 yrs others complained about the fatigue also. The rash then came again after 5 yrs on my neck with much pain It has never completely gone. All the skin remedies will not cure the nerve affliction nor the fatigue. I know my immune system is low but have no remedy for it. I refuse chemicals for a treatment which only gives other problems.

Lysine does not help nor a diet for same. Others say. "It just left! " Mine has not! Building my immune system is I think the answer but nothing has helped that either.


Replied by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 11/06/2017

Hi Odelia, I would suggest you research the benefits of lecithin. There is a defatted granulated type which is a fat emulsifier, Ted has recommended this as it binds with and removes the fat-soluble toxic oils in the body, (vegetable oil is toxic to our body), to improve liver function, as when the liver is overloaded with oils it cannot function properly, this will surely affect the immune system.

The only good oils for the liver are coconut oil and animal lard. The other form of lecithin is a liquid oil in capsules, which Ted has stated will not pull out the toxic oils. Lecithin in the amount of 2500mg a day has helped people with herpes. Because of the similarities in the virus concerning the nerve, shingles can be helped, too. It was not clear which type the herpes results came from, as each form works differently in the body, but lecithin is also in pastured runny egg yolks and dandelions. Aspartame is hidden in many foods and will cause a herpes outbreak. And stay away from arginine foods. I would continue with the lysine because it is great for the immune system, yours may need more help. Research high dose vitamin c, personally when I am fighting any virus I will take 1000mg vit c every two hours usually get good results same day, then back off to 1000mg twice a day.

Good luck on your good health journey

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Replied by David (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 11/07/2017

Hello Odelia,

The virus has spread through your system it sounds like...either the shingles virus or another one after the shingles lowered your immune system. The moving rash is indicative of a blood born virus or fungus. For such a systemic infection, I've recommended and have used it myself, long term use of colloidal silver. To rid the system of a systemic infection the dosage would be twice a day on empty stomach, four tablespoons per dose of CS. if you see improvement in a month such as your energy returning, that fact can give you confidence that the infection is getting under control. Getting past the actual nerve damage is another issue but the urgent nature of the situation necessitates immediate use of CS for a long time. I take CS twice daily for the past three years since an outbreak of a prostate infection. I've been taking CS for over 20 years as a sinus irrigation (ear syringe squirts up sinuses and into ears) and I use a "steamer-inhaler" to deep breathe into bronchial passages if I find I have an infection there. I've also used the CS along with DMSO for direct application to the skin mixing half and half....this is called a poultice. I let it stay on affected area for 20 minutes and reapply every other day for a month. I've written a lot on CS and have an article on CS on Earth Clinic under Remedies...scroll to Colloidal Silver and mine is the second article.

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Replied by Jim (Frostburg, Md) on 11/08/2017

Your symptoms could be caused by a candida or other infection in your gut. I'll recommend you go to the baking aisle of your local grocery an get a bag of flaked coconut, sweetened or unsweetened. Take a rounded teaspoonful of the coconut twice a day and see if your symptoms wane after a few days.
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Replied by Aurora (Mason city Ia.) on 04/10/2021

Hi, I recently had shingles, with a lot of pain in one leg. I talked to a doctor friend in Mexico and he told me that they use vitamin B12 to heal and help regenerate nerves. Also, I found out that Acetyl-L Carnitine it's good for neuropathy pain relief, and possibly regenerating the nerve. I hope you find a solution soon.
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Replied by Deb (Lawrence KS) on 12/19/2023

I broke out with Varacella Zoster Virus aka reactivation of chicken pox/shingles Nov 2015. It was all over my head neck shoulders forearms and face. In 2018 after 5 so called doctors and two dermatologists later w/o a dx, I retired and flew to Germany. There I was immediately dx with VZV by a naturopathy who had been studying in her field for 25 years. I now know this breakout was a result of EXTREME STRESS. My family has put me through so much in so many ways I don't communicate with them at all to this day. VZV can be deadly untreated and turn into SUPER bacterial infection which it did. I begged these so called doctors and they dismissed me and dx me with DOP. Other words crazy. I would just like to say the pandemic has taught me alcohol kills viruses. When a chicken pox like spot appears I break it open and applied 90% alcohol on it. Sometimes it takes several weeks to disappear. I am not a physician and this isnt advice. Just my story with about a horrific virus I have dealt with since 2015. Merry Christmas

P.S. Can you please do a study on VZV and post your results?

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Replied by Natalia (Sarasota) on 12/19/2023

Too many questions about this post. Shingles aren’t treated externally by breaking it open and applying alcohol. Just reading the post gives me shivers. Shingles are often an external manifestation of the underlying cancer. But not always. German homeopathy is probably second to none. There are many homeopathic remedies for shingles. Lastly homeopathy can address stress that is often a trigger for shingles breakout. Please see a homeopath.

Replied by Gary (Kitchener On) on 12/19/2023

Hi Natalia

I watched an interview on YouTube with Dr. Leonard Coldwell. He is the #1 Natural Healer and in this interview, he stated that Hemp Oil will fix any and all skin disorders.

Check him out.

God Bless


Replied by Danata (NYC) on 12/20/2023

With all due respect to the Doctor and your post, there are practically no skin diseases, which are, in essence, external manifestations of an internal diseases, imbalances etc. Once one's body brought into a balance, disease addressed, skin “disorders" disappear. Even those caused by infection or virus.

A friend of mine had melanoma in between her toes. Her husband was observant enough to suspect something was wrong. A dermatologist couldn’t make a diagnosis so they had to see a more experienced one. It was in its early stage, quickly removed surgically. Happy end? For few years she was fine, then non cancerous brain tumor was found, another surgery from which she recovered fairly quickly. She probably has a very strong heart and cardiovascular system, for anesthesia alone can kill.

This demonstrates that the cause of her malignancy and tumor wasn’t addressed, and it’s rarely possible to pinpoint what is wrong. She did move from the 7 months long darkness area to Ecuador, yet it appears that plenty of sun exposure didn’t make her healthier. But she did have few years of no symptoms and good health.

I personally had a mind boggling itching rash for several months. A practicing dermatology professor had said there are only 3 conditions that can cause that. He prescribed prednisone which nearly killed me, some genetic variations which make me and my kids to have severe adverse effects.

Needless to say, I’ve tried everything there’s to try to apply externally, plus supplements, nothing worked. Eventually the rash disappeared on its own. I had to take LWP, so stress was reduced, and was swimming daily in the Caribbean sea.

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Replied by Rob (Kentucky) on 12/20/2023

Have you tried Liquorice Root?

There are many successful testimonials here on EC using licorice root.

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Replied by Daniel (IL) on 12/22/2023

IV of Vitamin C took care of mine.

Replied by Wanda (Spring, Texas) on 12/21/2023

If you’re eating eggs, stop. They use eggs in laboratories to keep viruses alive. Fruit will kill viruses. Also, lugol’s iodine. Start with 5% by using 2 drops in a glass of water to start with for 3-4 days. Then add a drop more every two days. You can keep going up to 15 drops a day as long as you don’t have issues. Beware, the lugols will bring the herpes out through the skin.
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